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~14 months earlier~

Cassidy paced back and forth in her small bathroom. This can't be real. She thought to herself. But it is. She should have been more careful with Ashton. For gods sake, she doesn't even know how she feels about him yet!

And now she feels really bad because she's pregnant with his baby. She hasn't even talked to Ashton since three days after they slept with each other, which was the day he left. He stopped by on his own to say goodbye. Cassidy can still remember how it felt when he kissed her goodbye. She couldn't help but smile at the thought of it.

Her hand travelled to her lips which were now smiling. At least that means she definitely has good feelings towards Ashton. Her hand then fell to her stomach where hers and Ashton's baby was currently growing.

At 18 years old, she was definitely worried. She doesn't work because her family pays for everything for her. She got kicked out of the house at a young age but her parents bought her her own apartment and they put money into her account each month.

But the money is enough for one person. Not two. Or what if she has twins? Or triplets!

All the possibilities ran through her head making her feel light headed. She made her way to the couch and picked up her iPhone. Her finger hovered over the words Ashton Irwin in her contact list. She took a deep breath before clicking it slowly with her index finger and waited for him to pick up.


Ashton was having a normal day with his band, which consisted of recording, and writing, and playing music. When his phone started ringing and the name Most Amazing Girl In The World popped up, he was confused at first. He quickly remembered Cassidy changing her name in his contacts the day he went to pick up Luke's things. Also known as the best day of his life.

Ashton excused himself from the room with a big smile on his face. The others didn't think anything of it and let him go.

"Cas!" He breathed into the phone. "I've missed you so much. I didn't know if I should call you or you'd call me, but it's been too long. I should have called you earlier but I've been very busy and-" Ashton rambled just happy that she called.

"Ash," Cas cut him off. "It's fine." She wanted to be serious, but how could she not giggle when Ashton was acting like that.

"Sorry. I just, I miss you." He explained with a blush on his face. Those words meant so much to Cassidy.

"I miss you too Ash." She sighed into the phone. Ashton's heart fluttered at the words. "But there's a reason I'm calling." Her tone made Ashton worry.

"Are you okay?" He asked frantically. "Should I come home? Did someone die?!" Ashton almost began to hyperventilate.

"I don't know, no stay there, and just the opposite." She said slowly answering each of his questions.

"Someone was born?" Ashton asked confused.

"Well, no, not yet.." She said hoping Ashton would get the hint.

"Someones pregnant?" He asked excitedly.

"Uh huh.." Cas answered. She was getting really worried at that point. What will Ashton think? Will he help her? Will he leave her?

"Hmm, who could be pregnant?" Ashton said to himself still smiling. "Umm, is it someone from school?"

"Yeah." Cassidy breathed out. "Ash its-" she tried to tell him.

"No!" Ashton stopped her. "Let me guess Cas!" He complained. "Hmm.." He hesitated. "Wait-" he said in a different tone. "Oh my god!" He yelled. "Shit! We didn't use a condom!"

"Nope." Cassidy answered in a small voice. She was scared of how Ashton would react.

"You're pregnant?" He asked, voice cracking.

"Yeah Ash. We're having a baby." Ashton's smile faded. It wasn't like this was a bad thing, it just wasn't exactly a good thing.

"Fuck!" He cursed startling Cas. "How could I be so stupid?" He asked rhetorically.

Cassidy knew that he didn't mean it in a bad way, but she was just so emotional right now over everything that's happened, that she started to cry. "Great, now I'm ruining your life!" She sobbed through the phone. "I'll just do this on my own. I won't ask for anything from you I promise Ash just pretend this never happened."

"Hey hey hey, shh, take a deep breath Cas." Ashton soothed realizing that he hurt her. "Please don't cry baby," Cassidy smiled a bit when he said that. "I didn't mean to upset you. I'm just scared. And I want this baby, I just-" he stops and takes a deep breath. "Can I skype you tonight? I need some time to think about everything and Id rather be able to see you when we talk."

"Sure." She croaked wiping away the tears.

"Okay, I'll talk to you later Cas, and I promise that we can get through this together. Don't stress babe."

"Okay, talk to you later Ash." With that they hung up.

Ashton walked back into the room putting on a smile so nobody else saw how he really felt. He wasn't sad, or mad, he was just a little confused and scared, but he was still happy. He has always pictured starting a family, and to be honest, one with Cas sounded nice, but he never thought it'd actually happen and it'd be so soon.

"Who was that? Cal said your phone said most amazing girl or something." Luke asked with a small chuckle.

"Yeah." Ashton shrugged not wanting to say anything else.

"But who was it?" Calum countered.

"It was who it said it was. The most amazing girl in the world."


Cassidy didn't know what to do. She didn't have many friends. Mostly just Luke, Ashton, Michael, and Calum, and they left. Plus she could hardly consider Luke and Calum her friends anymore.

Ashton told her how he wanted her to come along, Michael said they should just keep it long distance, and Luke and Calum just wanted to get rid of me altogether.

Her parents didn't like her very much either. They made her move out at 15! But she did have an older sister who did happen to have a kid. The problem is her sister lives in America. So she's pretty much alone in this.

When her laptop, which she's been staring at for 15 minutes, finally started to ring, she was quick to answer it. "Hey." She answered awkwardly.

"Hey beautiful." Ashton smiled causing Cas to blush. "I don't know if you told anyone yet, but I told my mum. I wasn't sure what to do and I thought that was the best thing."

"No, I don't really have anyone to tell." She sighed. "But yeah, I think that's good. Our families should know. But I don't know about anyone else..." She trailed off because she wasn't sure how Ashton felt about the situation.

"Thank God you feel the same way!" Ashton sighed in relief. "I mean my career is just getting started and I don't want to be known as young parents in the media right now. I want to get started before everyone finds out."

"I know, that's why I have something else that I wanted to share with you. If I stay here and have the baby, people won't know who's it is, but they might assume it's Luke's since we were dating-" she started.

"Wait!" Ashton gasped eyes wide. "Is it Luke's! Are you even sure it's mine?" He started to get worried. Was she telling the wrong guy?

"No! It's yours! Me and Luke only, once." She explained awkwardly. "On his birthday..." She continued. "So it's uh, definitely yours..."

"Good." He said going back to smiling cheekily.

"So, as I was saying. I think I'm going to move to America where my sister lives. I haven't asked her yet but I'm sure she won't mind. She has a son so then I guess our kid would at least have a cousin and aunt there." As Cassidy explained Ashton smiled when she said our kid. "Like I said, if people in Sydney see, well they know that I know you guys so who knows what they'd tell the media. There's nothing here for me anyways so I don't really care."

"When do you move?" Ashton asked eyeing her through the screen.


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