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~9 months earlier~

At six months pregnant, Cassidy was getting pretty big. Ashton had visited about twice since they found out they were having a girl. They were caught between a few names.

Ashton really liked Lilia, but Cas really liked Adelaide.

Today Ashton's mum Anne and his brother and sister Lauren and Harry were visiting Cas. She wasn't quite sure how to feel about it. It was definitely a strange situation. But at the same time, they deserve to be there. It's Ashton's baby too.

Cas was running around her small two bedroom apartment preparing things like crazy. She wanted everything to look perfect.

Luckily, Ashton's family was staying at a nearby hotel. There's not really room for them to stay here and it'd be awkward if they did.

Cassidy has met them before. She hung out plenty of times at Ashton's over the years. But she's never really had a proper conversation with his mum.

She had talked to Lauren though. Lauren was sweet and was into some of the same books and bands that Cas was into. She was only 11 but she's cool.

Cas was very nervous about talking to Ashton's mum though. What would she think of her?

Her thoughts were disrupted by the doorbell. "Hi, please come in." Cas greeted Ashton's family with a smile.

"It's nice to see you Cassidy." Anne smiled giving Cas a hug.

"You too." She replied. "Would you guys like anything to drink?" Cas felt so awkward about all of this.

"No thank you."

Ashton's family sat on the couches in Cas' living room and they had a small conversation. "How long do you plan on staying here in America?" Anne asked Cassidy.

"I'm not really sure. I miss Sydney but I think I need to stay here for a little while. My sister and my nephew are here too." Cassidy explained. She was almost sure that if she went back to Australia she'd see Luke. If she stayed in Florida she would just have to stay in when they had concerts there.

"So Ashton said you were working on the nursery?" Cassidy could tell Anne wasn't really sure what to say either.

"Yeah. It's slow going though. I ordered the furniture and it's supposed to be coming some time this week. And I have paint and brushes I just haven't gotten around to painting it." Cas answered sheepishly. She knew she'd have to get it done soon, but she kept putting it off.

"I could help paint it." Lauren offered. "My mum wanted us to go out with her old friend for brunch tomorrow but maybe me and Harry can come here instead and help with the nursery."

"That's fine with me if its fine with your mum." Cassidy answered. It'd be great for them to help. And I doubt they wanted to go with their mum to this brunch anyways.

"Okay, sounds good."


After they talked a bit more, Cassidy went out with them for dinner. They got pizza because that's what Harry wanted. Afterwards they went their separate ways and promised to see each other tomorrow.

Cassidy spent her morning having some guys bring boxes up to her apartment. They were filled with the furniture she would have to build for the baby.

Around noon Lauren and Harry showed up and Anne promised she'd only be a few hours. "It's no problem really. It's nice to have some company." Cas assured her.

"What color are we painting the room?" Harry asked poking at a paint can.

"I didn't know which color I liked best so I chose three. There's a light pink, a light purple, and a light blue. It's like the color of the sky." Cas told the two kids.

"I think we should paint it all blue and then make pink and purple flowers and butterflies." Lauren suggested.

"I like that, let's do it."

They picked up the paint brushes and started painting. They started with blue. They had to borrow a ladder from a neighbor and Cas watched as Harry carefully climbed it and painted the ceiling.

After they painted the blue they took a sandwich break. "What are you naming the baby?" Lauren asked as they sat at Cassidy's small table and ate.

"Me and Ashton haven't decided yet. He likes Lilia and I like Adelaide."

"What if you make it Adelaide Lilia?" Lauren suggested. This girl was having some good ideas today.

"That actually sounds really pretty." Cas said pulling out her phone to send Ashton a quick text.

Adelaide Lilia? Lauren suggested we use both names. -Most Amazing Girl In The World

"Let's see what Ashton thinks about it." Cas mumbled waiting for him to reply.

Sounds lovely. Tell Lauren and Harry that I love them and I miss them. I'll call you later. -Ash

"Ashton likes it. And he loves and misses you guys." Cas told Ashton's siblings with a smile. She found it sweet that he loved them so much. "So, who wants to help me build a crib?"

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