I love you Bugaboo!

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_What are we, Chat?_
Marinette looked at him sweetly, her cheeks blushing and pouting her lips.
_Well, you see... We are 2 calcium structures, linked by ligaments and covered by skin and muscles..._ Chat joked, playing innocent.
The cute bluenette, that was tightly wrapped between his arms punched him softly with her fists on his muscular chest.
_Miiiaaaauch Princess! I was just stating the obvious!_
_Nobody likes smart-asses_ she said, sticking her tongue. Then pouted further and reformulated:
_What kind of relationship do we have here, Chat?_
Paris' hero tried to swallow the bump on this throat. He wanted to confess that he loved her madly ever since that day when he saw her fighting next to him as Ladybug.
That he would die for her if he had to. That he admired her bravery, her sense of justice, her loyalty, her kindness...
That he loves her talent and her creativity. Cause she was perfect with or without the spotted costume on, but... How could he say all that without giving himself away?
She couldn't find out that he knew about her biggest secret... Yet.
_And what kind of relationship would the Princess like to have with this knight?_ Chat asked her, while he stroked her cheeks softly and leaned his forehead onto hers.
_Well Kitty... Before answering you that, I'd like to confess that besides you, there's another boy whom I loved deeply... He almost doesn't even know that I exist, but even though that, I've been mad about him since, dunno... Months?_
Chat pulled slightly away and stared at her, a bit concerned. Marinette went on:
_He is... Perfection made person. He's not only extremely handsome but also kind-hearted as well. He lives a life full of privileges, but he's humble, respectful, sweet and loyal. He's always trying to bring out the best of everybody. He's compassionate, responsible and utterly authentic. But he's lonely too! Every time I see him I feel the compulsion of hugging him and tell him that everything is gonna be ok... That he has loving friends... And that I love him for who he is and a whole lot of things he doesn't even know he has yet. I wish I could tear him away from his loneliness to give him all the love and warm that he thinks he doesn't deserve... But then I just remember that he can't see me. Not the real me at least. He'll just always see timid and clumsy Marinette. But is fine, you know? I mean, why would he? And then I see you..._
Chat hadn't realized yet, but he had been listening to Marinette speaking with his eyes tightly shut, trying to imagine himself as Adrien through her eyes.
But when she started talking of him as Chat Noir, he opened his eyes and stared at hers.
Marinette wasn't crying. But her eyes were humid.
She was swallowing hard, just as if the latest confession weren't the hardest part.
_And then there's Chat Noir. Paris' hero. The trusted one, the confident, the hilarious, the joker. The boy who tries to hide his weaknesses under an avalanche of bad jokes and ridicule puns. The one who would sacrifice his own life to protect the peace of this city.
The guy who enjoys his piece of freedom in every way possible. The humble person, so generous that would never expect anything in return and works his ass off. That Cassanova who unnoticedly goes breaking naive girls hearts... Just like mine.
And you ask me what kind of relationship I would like to have with you? I wish I could make you completely mine, to tie you to my soul so you can't see anybody else, I wish you to love me as if I were the only women in Earth..._
Marinette's voice became weaker while she untangled herself from Chat's arms.
Finally free, she turned away and continued with her speech, without noticing Chat's frowning or his contracted heart.
_But yet again I fell in love with an impossible. I was so attracted to your shine. But I'll end up like a moth that fell in love with the Sun.
Sad and dumb Marinette... She thinks she's able to love someone so superior and out of her league and be loved back...
Dumb Marinette is going to end up breaking her own heart again and again..._
Now her tears flowed uncontrolled.
Chat's heart was heavy, full of guilt. His revenge was out of control, he had hurt her and he didn't know how to fix it.
He walked the few meters that separated them and grabbed her arm. He tried to make her turn and face him, but she refused.
So he gently hugged her from behind, her back pressed against his chest. And so he spoke to her ear:
_If there's something that I can't deny... Is that you're truly dumb_
Marinette wasn't expecting that and turned around really mad, with the evident intention of punching the crap out of him, when she saw him smiling at her in the sweetest way, before hugging her tight.
_You are dumb because you always think the worst! "Dumb and clumsy Marinette" are just 2 hideous words that can't even start to describe how wonderful  you are!!!_
The bluenette opened her mouth to complain, but Chat took the chance and kissed her, his tongue caressing her insides.
Marinette was surprised but kissed him back for a couple of seconds.
When they pulled apart, the hero continued talking, while he trailed her face, jaw, and neck with feathery like kisses.
_To anyone's eyes, you are a beautiful, shy, a bit insecure and sweet girl. But if could see yourself through my eyes, you could see a hell lot more than that.
You'd see the talent to create great things, you would see that you're unique and one of a kind. You're funny, a bit incoherent from time to time but incredibly sexy and undoubtedly wonderful. And if you think that my shine blinds you, let me tell you that you're dead wrong! You are the Sun and I'm like the Moon, that learned to shine thanks to you. Because you saw the sad and lonely boy, because even though you say that you hate my puns, I know that deep down inside you can't live without them, because you've seen through all my masks and you still want to stay with me... Because you're the first and only one that always believed in me and gave me the strength to be a better person every day!_
They looked at each other eyes and kissed again.
_I love you Bugaboo_ Chat whispered in her ear.
Marinette's eyes opened wide and pushed him with all her might. He had unmasked her!!!
That was the third time that Chat was on his butt.
_Since when???_ She hissed.
He shrugged and stand up, dusting his ass.
_You already knew earlier when we were patrolling, didn't you???_ She grunted, walking in his direction.
_I found out last night. I saw your kwami while you were sleeping and "connected the dots"_ he started laughing and couldn't see Marinette's fist approaching. She punched him really hard on the jaw.
Marinette was lucky that her parents weren't home, cause Chat rolled all over her room, knocking a lot of things off.
_And you made me think that "Marinette" was just a fuck-buddy to you??? You mocked me suggesting that I was just another one of your many assets??? How can you be so cruel???_ she screamed at him, while her tears pooled her bluebell eyes and then streamed down her face.
Chat got up again, his hand over his cheek.
Even in her (justified and well deserved) fury, she was so beautiful, that the boy's heart started hammering madly inside his chest.
_Oooh, I beg you pardon me, M'Lady! But I thought that both of us could play your game!!! I mean... Weren't you the one who started to play me in the first place?_
Marinette eyed him speechless.
_You first come and almost rape me in my own room. Then you keep provoking me with your petit and sexy body... What were you expecting of me? You've made this kitty really thirsty_
The bluenette looked utterly clueless. Chat's words were really confusing her.
_ And weren't you the one who was adamant about never revealing our identities?_ then he said, pulling his miraculous off.
A blinding green light engulfed them. Once his transformation yielded, Marinette could finally realize that her suspicions were true after all.
In front of her was standing Adrien Agreste, with expectant eyes and a really red cheek.
_Marinette... M'Lady... Bugaboo... Mari... I love you! With or without your mask!!!_
She had kissed Adrien Agreste!
She had made sex with Adrien Agreste!!!!
And she finally realized and smiled: she had... And OH GOD! She was going to do it again and again!

Revelation time!!!
I didn't work out as I imagined it at the beginning, but this "thing" mutated itself, resulting in this other thing LOL.
I'm happy with the result anyway!
I hope you enjoy the chapter.
2 more to go until the end.
If my English is crappy and incoherent, put up with it... Please!
And if you like it anyway, vote and comment. And if you didn't... Vote and comment anyway!
Bugs out!!!

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