The Girl Who Knows That Woman in the Shop

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As Daisy ran into the TARDIS, she was spellbound.

"It's," she stammered. "It's"

"Just spit it out!" The Doctor said. Daisy ran back out into the hall. She walked around the box, knocking the wooden panels as she went. She walked back in.

"That's impossible!" Daisy whispered. "It's bigger on the inside!"

"Really?" The Doctor said as he shut the door behind her. "I had no idea!" Clara walked down the staircase from looked like the library. She smiled at Daisy.

"Let me fill you in." Clara whispered.

Half an hour later, Clara and Daisy had somehow ended up in a storage room.

"Oh. Well. Right." Was about all Daisy could stammer out when she noticed the little rag dolls in the corner.

"There's that girl again! The girl from Leadworth and the man with the floppy hair!" She said.

"I think that's Amelia Pond and the Doctor in his last regeneration. Amy got taken back in time by a weeping angel which is a creature that can only move when you're not looking at them. That was just before the Doctor found me."

"How did the Doctor find you?" Daisy asked.

"Oh, erm, well, I'm a bit rubbish with computers. So I asked the woman at the shop if she knew anyone to help and she gave me the TARDIS phone number."

"What did this woman look like?"

"Oh, she had blonde hair, and she was cockney. She told me that she knew that it was the best helpline in the universe. She told me that she already knew because the helpline had made her life amazing, but was also the reason her life was ruined and she ended up on a beach in Norway." Clara had often thought of how the woman in the shop had got that number, but her thoughts were interrupted by a strange noise coming from Daisy's direction. When she looked towards her, Daisy's head was tilted back, and her eyes were glowing yellow.

"I looked into the TARDIS, and the TARDIS looked into me." Her head jerked forward and her eyes returned to the stormy grey colour they were before. Daisy looked at Clara.

"What?" Daisy said.

"I don't know? Come with me we need to ask the Doctor."

They were in the control room, and having told the Doctor what had just happened, he looked worried.

"That's what Rose Tyler said when she looked into the Time Vortex. This is weird. Clara tell me precisely what you were saying just before this happened."

"I dunno, talking about the woman in the shop. She was blonde and cockney like I said!"

"You were describing her, that's what!" The Doctor had lifted his hand up and was pointing at the ceiling.

"Describe her then you idiot!" Clara shouted.

"Rose, her mum was a right pain, and old Mickey Smith, the boyfriend, never liked him -"

"Properly!" Clara hissed.

"She was blonde, her eyes were sort of dark green. She normally wore pink. She loved placing bets, especially when it concerned gimmicks of dead monarchists-" He was cut short by Daisy's head tipping backwards and her eyes turning yellow once more and she said,

"I am the Bad Wolf, I create myself."

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