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My thoughts are running through my head like they're trying to win a race. I'm so lost in thought I haven't realized we are in the driveway and Aiden is staring at me with a worried expression. It's pitch black outside so he flips on the interior light, the color is a warm tone and I'm thankful it's subtle so it doesn't bother my oncoming headache.

I turn around and see Ashley isn't in the car anymore.

"Where is she?" I ask him through my small voice that is now sore from my screaming at Ian earlier.

"I told her to go inside." Aiden says as he brings his large hand to rest on my knee. The touch is nice, It makes me feel less alone in the large cab of his car. I look down and see his knuckles are busted from hitting Ian and I begin to feel guilty.

"Your hands! Are you okay?" I say with concern. He looks down and a smile creeps up his face.

"Don't even worry about that... Were you two together long?" He asks and I begin to ponder that question, It wasn't about the time we were together. I am more upset about how I believed he cared for me when he obviously didn't.

"We weren't together long at all, maybe three months between us meeting to dating and now... this." I say sadly gesturing at my tear soaked face.

"He doesn't deserve you." He says with concern thick in his deep voice.

"I just can't believe he would say those things to me, I am so naive. I really thought he liked me, really liked me." As I am saying this out loud it makes me feel even more ignorant.

"First off, being naive isn't a bad thing as long as you have people around you who won't take advantage of you. I think your trust is just in the wrong people." He says as his thumb rubs gently on my leg, trying to console me.

"I should have known better, really. He is a star Lacrosse player and a senior and I'm this." I gesture to myself, feeling much less confident than I did when I left this house. "Any man wouldn't want to wait to have sex anyway," I say absentmindedly.

"He is not a man." He says with a growl as his deep jade eyes look at me. He quickly composes himself. "No 'man' would have spoken to you that way, or pushed you off of him. Those things should be saved for the bedroom, with a real man, when you want those things to be done to you, for fun." He says and his eyes burn into mine. I stare at him as my cheeks begin to burn.

"I'm just glad I didn't give him my virgi...." I begin but cut myself off as soon as I realize I'm confiding in a stranger, He maybe Ashley's brother but I don't know him and I am not sure why I feel comfortable around him like this, maybe because he looks so concerned and is really listening to me. I look over and he looks like he's deep in thought.

"I'm sorry I need to go," I say quickly as I go to grab the handle.

"Absolutely not." He says in a serious tone as he continues, I sit back against the leather seat.

"It's his loss he never got to fuck you. I'm happy he didn't. You saved yourself from that whole situation. Besides, you shouldn't have to sleep with someone just to get them to stay with you." He says and I just stare at him with mild shock at his language.

"Thank you?" I say as more of a question because I'm embarrassed.

"You just needed to hear it, you ready to go in now?" He says. I nod as I slip out of his car. He follows me as we go inside.

I give him one last glance as I head down towards the hallway. I see him plop down on the couch and grab the worn out book. His feet dangle off the edge of the couch about a foot, our couch is way too small for his massive frame, it makes me giggle.

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