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I lay with my eyes closed on the bed, not wanting to get up.

I miss her.

I miss her smile.

And the way her brown eyes look at me with pure adoration.

Fuck. Even when she's sleeping right next to me all I can do is think about her.

I hope she wakes up soon, I don't mind her sleeping in at all but I miss her even more when I don't get to tell her goodbye before I go to work.

My wandering thoughts are abruptly haulted as the quiet morning sounds are filled with Em letting out a blood curdling scream right next to my ear.

I quickly flick the lamp on and look at her. She's trashing against the sheets, pulling the material over her stomach as she clenches tightly.

"Get it out!" She screams and my eyes go wide, what a nightmare she must be having.

I climb on top of her and straddle her, grabbing her wrist and pinning her arms to her sides so she can't hurt herself with her violent movements.

"Get it out!" She screams again and I yell for her to wake up and she does, but keeps her eyes tightly closed shut. "Please, Lucio. Please stop." She sobs quietly as her body goes limp under me.

"Baby, It's me." I say to her in a calm voice. "It's Aiden." I sit up and wrap her in a hug, placing her on my lap.

Her cries slow down and when her breathing regulates I ask calmly, "Does that happen a lot?"

She nods and I throw my head back. I'm even fucking up her sleep, I hate myself. "I'm sorry." I tell her but she buries her face further into my bare chest while shaking her head.

"Don't apologize. That one was just really bad." She says quietly and I think back to the other night at her moms house when she started to stir in my arms and a scream escaped her lips before I pulled her close and calmed her down. She is having an episode from what happened to her. Fuck.

While smoothing her hair I keep my voice strong and calming, "Why didn't you tell me?" I ask and she just sighs.

"I didn't think it mattered."

I roll my eyes, "Emilia, if anything is ever bothering you like that I need to know. What..." I try to be careful, "What's happening in your dreams?" She begins to cry again and I almost tell her not to tell me but I wait patiently, I need to know so I can better help her.

"It's... It's different every time but Lucio. He." She catches her breath for a moment.

"He what baby?"

"He stabbed me." She says and I have to pinch the bridge of my nose to attempt to rid my brain of the visual.

"He's dead baby. I checked every lifeless pulse in that warehouse just to be sure, no one will harm you." I assure her but she continues to shake in my arms. "I want you to see someone for me baby." I tell her and she lets out a small laugh.

"What? Like a shrink?" She ask with a lifted brow and I nod. "Aiden, you can't be serious." She lifts her body off of me as she rolls her eyes.

"I wasn't asking you Emilia."

She doesn't put up a fight as she crawls back on me, wrapping her legs around my waist. I decide being a little late to work won't hurt anyone. I kiss her collarbone and rub my thumb against her perfect pout before carrying her to the bathroom.

I set her on the counter, I can tell she's still shook up from her nightmare so I walk to the tub and turn the knob. I check the water under my fingers and undress her as it fills up. I never thought about it before but I'm thankful my bathtub is large enough to fit two people.

When the bathroom is full of steam and the tub is to the brim I pick her up and we both sink into the warm water. I can see her rigid body visibally defrost as the warm water and bubbles cascades over her smooth skin. I wish we could do this every morning.

"You're so fucking perfect." I tell her as I rub her feet under the water, my eyes glued to how beautiful she looks in the morning. Her messy hair and sleepy eyes.

She smiles but it doesn't reach her eyes, "Hey look." I say and her eyes dart to my face. I bring the frothy bubbles to my chin and make a foam beard which elicits a giggle from her. What the fuck is she doing to me?

I'm going to be busier than usual.

She needs peace of mind, she trusted me enough to come back with me and I have so much shit to do to ensure she's as safe as possible.

This girl, with her smile and slight attude. Her courage and her beautiful looks as well as her smarts. She is the most important thing in my life, I don't want her to feel anything less than happy at all fucking times. I don't give a fuck about myself, but her...


But, her.

She is everything.

Love you guys don't be mad at me about yesterday 😂😂🙈

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