A Bump In The Night

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============Ven PoV===========

As we are walking down this old abandoned village i can sense the dispare around us, I'm surprised there are no grimm around. This place seems like a hotspot just like MT Glenn. Ren holds his hand up telling us to stop. He reaches and grabs his pistols, me and everyone else readys our weapons.

Pulling out my spear, I switch it to its battle rifle form, with the small ACOG sight piping up I scan the area, before i could even tell where they came from, footsteps sprint twords us a figure jumps past us and attacks Ren he dodges and attacks the figure Ren forces the figure away from us, I look at the face to make out a pale man dressed in a tan cloak with two bladed gauntlets, aiming for that crazy look in his eye I fire a burst of bullets, he jumps over them and rushes me. Switching to my spear I parry his guntlets. Still with the two blades on each gauntlet he jumps and uses me to propel him self upward and onto a building.

(Juane)"we're not looking for a fight!"

(Ren)"who are you!?"

(???) "Hehehe"

The man jumps down and lands on the ground

(???) "Who i am does not matter to you,  or you, or you, or- oh you two do interest me..."

He points to both me and Juane, both being shocked we raise our weapons,

(???)"I only matter to you..."

Pointing his finger behind us i can already tell he wants Ruby.


The man laughs minaicly,

(???) "You don't have the slightest clue do you?"

(Ven) "oh I got a clue alright..."

(???) "Oh the specialist speaks..."

(Ven) "specialist?"

(Ruby)"what do you want?"

(???) "My dear girl, ive come to wisk you away with me..."

(Nora) "what if she didn't want to go with you."

(???) "Hehe...good"

=============Xander PoV=========

(Xander) I'm coming-

(Y:N) NO!....Xander you need to go and find ozpin and pyrrha. Once you make sure their safe you find ruby and yang and keep them safe.

(Xander) But!-

(Y:N) that is an order! ...Now get the hell out of here and be a god damn man!

He gives me a nod and i attach hikari to my chest. I give him a nod and watch as he starts walking twords....him

I wake up in a panic, I wipe the sweat off my forehead I sit up and rub my head from flying sickness,

(Xander) "never did like flying..."

I whip my tail around and set it on my lap to examine it. I begin to wonder why I never use my stinger I mean i am a scorpion fuanus after all. Then i remember the last time I used it in combat...

After being jolted out of a deep gaze by a voice I look over to see the copilot looking at me.

(Co-pilot) "we are almost to Kuo Kuana sir"

(Xander)"ok thank you"

I relize its gonna be hot so I toss off my jacket and but on a white tank top with some red desings on it. I pull on some lite armor and a big metal shoulder guard on my right shoulder. I take off the small eyepatch on my sliced eye and reveal its true look. I barley touch it but it gives me a sharp pain

(Xander)"OW!....thanks again ven..."

I brush my light red hair back and put on a black bandana covering the metal shards on the left side of my head. I pull on some long red cargo shorts and attach Hikari to my right side. I toss Sasori over my shoulder and wait for the doors to open as I feel the ship land, as the ship bounces a touchs the ground the doors slide open, the moonlight fills the cabin. I jump out and tap on the side of the bullhead signalling it to take off.

As I walk down the crowded streets of Kuo Kuana I realize how peaceful it is. Surrounded by water, plenty of fish to catch, im surprised the humans have not gobbled it up for a vacation destination.

(Xander) "alright kitty cat, where are you?"

I see two faunus talking, one deer and one dog, I decide to ask them for directions,

(Xander) "hey there"

(Dog dude) "hey man"

(Xander) "I was wonder if you've seen my friend? Shes a cat fuanus, long black hair, her name is blake belladonna."

(Deer guy) "oh Miss belladonna, everyone knows her"

(Xander) "Miss?....Oh right can you show me where her family lives?"

(Dog dude) "yeah just right down there"

He points down the street aways twords a big house in the middle of the entire city,

(Xander)"makes sence to me...thank you!"

I start running down the moonlit road, getting excited to see old friends, hell even Sunn at this point. As I'm running down I hear some wooden cracks in woods next to me. I look over to see three figure jumping from tree to tree back twords the city, I'm able to make out Blake and Sunn but i can't tell about the other.

(Xander) "oh thats not good"

I start dubleing back twords the outskirts of the city trying to keep up, i see the first figure jump onto a buildings roof,

(Xander) "finally, a good fight"

=============Blake PoV==========

Jumping onto the building I chase after the spy, she raises some sort of hand gun at me, i expect her to fire bit instead she slashes the pipe in front of me, i duck under at then look at her,

(Blake)" why are you watching me!?"

At that moment Sunn jumps up behind her, oh lord.

(Sunn) "give up! In not above hitting a girl you know"

I notice the girl gets angry, she whips around and extends he weapon twords Sunn, before it could hit him another blade intercepts it, knocking it back. A figure drops onto the roof top. An old familiar face...and tail.

Extending from his hand a yellow sword forms into itself, he points it twords the spy and looks at me,

(Xander)"what no invite to the party Blake?"


Hey guys and gals sorry about this really late up load, im pulling three jobs and it makes it hard to focus.

Anyway if you got any pointers or suggestions or insults just send them my way, by the way if this is the first book your reading of mine, you should read my other fanfic first, lost in her eyes. It will explain the story alot more.

And let me know if i should start another book, again thank you nerds and see you next chapter!

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