[1] Ryota

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Being dumped by my girlfriend wasn't the most ideal situation for me. In a way I guess you could say I stirred up the inevitable breakup. I didn't like girls. I used her to cover up my sexuality and I got to my edge when she wanted kids.

"I can't do this. I like men." I muttered under the sheets as I watched her tear soaked face forming.

"Why did you make a fool out of me for?!" She screamed and cried. I couldn't take the pain I imbedded on her so I left our apartment that night. I packed all my essentials, and went to live on my own. Money wasn't an issue. No. I had a good job at a huge company. I was practically the CEO at this point and was living my best life. The only thing that was imperfect was my god damn sexuality.

I sat there at the bar with my drink in hand. I stirred the square shaped ice cubes around as I produced a long sigh.

"I've been cheated by you and I think you know when...."

The Mama Mia song was someone's ring tone. That's such a weird tone to apply as your ring tone. It quickly got shut off. I looked at the man next to me. He seemed to be in a panic when turning it off. He looked oddly unusual with a cap and sunglasses inside a bar.

"The movie was shit." I said with a chuckle.

"Tell me about it." He replied back casually."

"What brings you here on a Saturday night?" I asked trying to make some small talk. God knows I need company. I am lonely.

"Trying to get away from reality. Yourself?"

"Same. Just left a five year relationship. Drink my worries away." I laughed.

"Sorry to hear that. Relationships can be tough." He sighed.

"Let me buy you the strongest drink." I didn't know what made me offer this to a stranger, but I felt warm hearted today for some unknown reason.

"Appreciate it." He took off his sunglasses. He looked really handsome without them. I felt a slight tingle in my chest.

"Yo Jin one Medusa please." I said to the bartender.

He nods and starts mixing drinks as I turned to the guy next to me. "So what's your name? I'm Ryota. CEO at Daikimura's suit company."

"I'm....Fuji." He said with a slight hesitation. That must be some alias.

"Nice to meet you. What do you do Fuji?"

"Um..I work as a journalist." He fiddled a bit with his empty glass. This guy was a bad liar. I didn't want to pry too much to lose a potential friendship so I kept my assumptions to myself.

I don't know if it was the alcohol that made me bold or it was just the fact that I didn't care anymore for that day, but I decided to ask. "Are you staying at the hotel across the street?"

"I am."

"Would you want to meet me at my room. It's 303." My chest tightened a bit. I was somewhat nervous. I was afraid he would just get up and leave after this.

"I'll meet you there."

His answer took me by surprised. I watched as his drink came. He chugged it down pretty quick as his face grew pink.

"Well I'm heading back now. Meet me there in about half and hour." I paid for my drink and his and got up to leave. My heart was throbbing with anticipation. This would be the first time I slept with a man. I've never done it before, but the countless porn videos I've seen online always got me soaking through my boxers.


I sat on my bed staring at the door anticipating the knock that is supposed to come. That Medusa drink is pretty strong, and will get you drunk instantly. I should have stayed with him, but I wanted to freshen up since I hadn't showered in a couple days.


I quickly got up after the first knock and opened the door instantly. His face was drowned in pink and his eyes were a bit droopy.

"I'm here..." I could tell he was clearly very drunk. He must have went through something depressing to want to even be this drunk. Then again, I did buy him the drink.

I pulled on his collar and kissed him. His lips were soft and warm. His scent was surrounding my room, and I was in a trance.

This beautiful tall slender man is really here in my room. He would be my first guy experience ever. My cock was throbbing with excitement.

He shoved me down on the bed and began kissing my neck as his long slender fingers start to undo my button up shirt.

Seconds by seconds our clothes were slipping off our bodies like waterfalls. The air in the room was steamy and lustful.

"Ready?" He asked as he hovers over my hot body.

I slowly nodded as I felt his lubed up tip poking inside me. I groaned. It hurt a bit but I didn't mind it. He moved slowly and soon it began to feel like pure pleasure.

Our eyes met as I saw the emptiness in his eyes. It was hinted with a bit of pain, but I was too infatuated with what was happening down below that I disregarded his orbs.

That was a night to remember.


The next morning when I woke up I was alone. I felt a sting in my chest. I was hoping to wake up next to that man. As I sat up I noticed a note left of the table. My excitement rose as I thought it would have been a phone number, e-mail, or some form of contact. However, it was nowhere close to that.

"I was really drunk last night. Please don't try looking for me. I am not gay. Im sorry." I read aloud.

It was like going through some form of a breakup all over again. Something fused within me. I have to find this man no matter what.

To Be Continued

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