[6] Fujiwara

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I poured crushed sleeping pills in the bottle of wine. I poured myself some prior to fool the guy, and he fell for it. Later I watched as he stared at the tv. I didn't have any intentions of having sex with this man so I stalled until the medicine kicked in. He dozed off way faster than I had hoped.

I waited until he was fully knocked out as I started rummaging through his belongings. I found his wallet and credit card. I quickly took my phone out to take a picture of both sides, and placed it back nicely.

I quickly left the hotel room and went in my car. I dug in my back seat to find some cheap laptop I bought earlier to rent a boat under his name. I need to dispose my girlfriend's dead corpse as soon as I can.

My fingers clicked away at the keys. I watched my trembling hands. My anxiety is kicking in strong tonight. I took my anxiety pills from my glove compartment and took two tablets.

As I began to drive I felt awfully drowsy. I pulled over to some big supermarket and felt myself passing out in the parking lot. Before I felt myself passing out, my heart was pounding knowing her dead body is in my trunk.


The next morning I drove home and went to the bathroom and disguised myself to look like Ryota. I did a fairly good job. I quickly left my house and drove down to the dock.

"Your boat is 211. Enjoy your ride." The man at the register said as he was reading the newspaper. Luckily he didn't seem to care much about his job. His attention span wasn't good and he won't remember me.

I had to make a couple trips to load everything onto my boat. It was near impossible to carry my girlfriend in one goal. Last night before going to bed after I got home, I had chopped her corpse up and burnt her in the fireplace. I even shattered the bones so all I had to do was dispose the bits of the bone left.

I got on the boat and stared at my backpack in front of me. That contained most of her bones as well as the messenger bag I had on me. I took out my laptop from the messenger bag and broke it in half. I tossed it in the ocean. My hands were shaking. I had to take two more anxiety tablets.

I roamed the ocean for a clean three hours making sure to dispose of the bits in all parts of the ocean and not just one part. This will work. I will be okay.

I went home feeling shaken. I just did something wrong. If anyone finds out I will be in trouble. I already knew I would be questioned since I'm her boyfriend.

I turned on my phone and saw a bunch of texts from my manager and friends. They all asked me if I saw the news. It was no news to me, I felt my face lived on the tv. I'm shocked Ryota didn't find out who I am yet.

I texted them all back saying I didn't know what they were talking about. I knew interviews would fill my schedule, and I would have to put on a poker face like always. I have to act like what happened mattered. I would have to act as if I wasn't the murderer.


I sat in front of interviews telling every single one that I didn't know what happened, and that I was in distress.

"It's really unfortunate." I said. I tried my absolute best to show some form of distress, but I didn't really care much for her. I just was scared to get caught.

My mind wandered as a lie detector test came up. What would I do if that happens? I can't cheat my way out of that. I have to leave the country, but that would just make me look even more suspicious.


I typed through the internet to find the most accurate lie detector test. "Hmm one day shipping...." I clicked the option and sighed. I have to test if I can pass on my own.


The next day I sat in front of the lie detector test. I asked myself did I kill my girlfriend.

"No." I said as I closed my eyes. I waited a couple seconds as the machine did its work.

Beep beep!

It presented a green color saying I was telling the truth. I was shocked, but then again a home lie detector test isn't 100% correct like the kinds used in the government. God...what am I going to do? I'll be questioned soon by the police. I need to prepare for these questions.


The next day on set everyone was getting fitted into their suits. I saw Ryota from a clean distance as he chats up some of the actors. He clearly doesn't recognize me luckily.

"Hey man, you okay?" One of my coworkers asked me.

"Fine." I forced a smile.

"It must be tragic. I wonder if she ran away."

"Who knows. She seemed fine the last time I saw her."

"Maybe she cheated." He said.

The thought pained me a little, but not for long. Maybe I lack empathy, but at the same time I feel somewhat depressed inside.


My eyes were staring at the red clock on my wall. The red neon numbers made my head spin. My hands were shaking. I went to grab my pills, but they were empty. I breathed heavily. What will I do tomorrow?

I looked at the slip of paper with Ryota's number on it. Ryota clearly has ill intentions. He can't blame me for anything if he doesn't even know my real name or face. He would be the perfect person to blame. A random CEO that killed a famous Japanese model because she didn't like him back. That sounds like a great headline.

To Be Continued

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