49. 7am snow

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Liked by eloiseweb, claradarling and 755,302 otherslucyang it may be 8am but 🌨🌬⛄️❄️

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Liked by eloiseweb, claradarling and 755,302 others
lucyang it may be 8am but 🌨🌬⛄️❄️

user1: and then it melts by the afternoon
lucyang: don't remind me :-(

user2: gjdjgkd tell me u did not wake up at 8am just for snow 😭
lucyang: ........

gembenoit: an absolute manic
tchalamet: TELL ME ABOUT IT
lucyang: @tchalmet HUSH

user3: we love the one snow day a year here 😌

lucyang: it's never too late <3

- x -


Lucy was filled with excitement when she naturally woke up at sunrise. As soon as she saw the snowflakes lightly sticking to her window, she gently moved Timothée's head laying on her chest onto the pillow and untangled herself from him, making sure he was covered by the blanket again before quietly sneaking off to her balcony. It was a rarity for it to snow in Paris, so whenever it did, she made sure to enjoy every minute of it. She felt the winter breeze whisk over her as she only wore one of Timothée's shirts and a pair of thin, plaid pajama pants. The gloomy sky showed a tint of blue and the streetlights were still on.

The girl took a deep breath as she closed her eyes and enjoyed the silence of the usually busy street. The chilly air felt so crisp and refreshing. She was so consumed in the peace and quiet, she didn't hear the sound of light footsteps shuffling behind her. Timothée's presence wasn't known to her until he wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled his face into her neck. Lucy jolts slightly before smiling as she places her hands on top of his.

"Good morning," she says, leaning into him.

"Good morning," he mumbles, the sound of sleep in his voice. "What are you doing up so early?"

"I don't know actually, I just got a feeling." She shrugs. "But I love the snow, so it's like natural instincts."

"Ahhh, I see... You actually like snow?" He asks, as this was brand new information to him.

"Of course! It's so pretty and I love bundling up, but it never usually snows enough here to do build anything before it all melts away." She pouts.

"Are you ever in New York when it snows?"

"No, I'm usually back here by October."

"I thought so, cause no offense, but I don't think you'd like snow as much if you were still in New York when it snows." Timothée chuckles and exaggerates his voice, "It's sooooo ugly and always gets all mushy and makes people so much walk slower than they already do, I swear."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2020 ⏰

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