22. back in town

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sweet tea
hey u okay

have u landed yet

oui oui

that delay was a pain in the ass but we've arrived safely <3

sweet tea
PHEW okay good glad to hear

omg wait isn't it like 3am over there what are you still doing up

sweet tea

lol would it be cliche to say I miss you and can't sleep without you nowerased

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lol would it be cliche to say I miss you and can't sleep without you now

sweet tea
im just a nervous flyer,, just wanted to make sure u were okay

omg dont worry i'm fine !! now please get some sleep sir !!

can't talk to u if ur sleep deprived

sweet tea
okayy ma'am im going,, also Don't sleep so u don't get jet lagged !

ofc ofc now SLEEP

sweet tea

goodnight lulu

lmao goodnight tiantian

- x -


lucyang posted on their story!

lucyang posted on their story!

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- x -


Liked by tchalamet, miyayeah, gembenoit and 669,295 otherslucyang new friends new memories

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Liked by tchalamet, miyayeah, gembenoit and 669,295 others
lucyang new friends new memories

user1: im literally shaking

eloiseweb: okay the cutest

tchalamet: 😊♥️
user2: tim use ur words
tchalamet: heart eyes
user2: what does that exactly Mean

user3: heart eyes.... heart eyes.... a crying today

user4: tell me why timothée speaks in emoji
lucyang: he's weird he's a weirdo


this is short but Still,, double updates two nights in a row.... my birthweekend just keeps on giving huh

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