Picturing Us (6)

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"Dad, thanks so much for the dinner." my sister, Layla, said.

"That was great, honey." Mom added.

I stood there playing with my food, while everyone thanked my father. But hearing everyone thank my dad, it reminded me of all the other times that he took us out to eat. It wasn't really family time, it was his way of telling us something, that was bad, nicely.

"So, what's the news?" I went straight to it.

"Excuse me?" he asked. My mom and Layla turned to me, with concerned looks.

"It's the same thing. You do something good for us, then tell us something that is usually bad. What is it?" I explained.

"Levi, don't be rude." my mom added.

I ignored my mom and stared at my dad. He stared back, with nothing to say.

"So?" I asked.

He finally answered, hardly even taking a glance at me. "Just out of love."

"Sure." I mumbled under my breath.

There was a long silence. My phone vibrated, interrupting the silence. I checked it, seeing that it was a text grom Hanson. 'hey, what's up?' it read.

I smiled. To me, she just brightens my mood. 'at a dinner with the fam. and so far it's not going so well'

"Levi, you've made friends already?" Mom asked. I looked up, and saw all six eyes on me.

"Uh, yeah. Hanson."

"Wow. Usually,he doesn't make friends that quickly." my sister added.

I gave her a sarcastic smile and turned back to my mom. "So, is he nice?" she asked.

"She is."

My dad choked on the water he was drinking. He started coughing, while I stared at him. "She? So, a girl?"

"Yes, dad. Hanson's a girl." I ran my hand through my hair, irritated because of him.

"I didn't know you were so interested in girls." he added.

"Well, dad. I can have girl friends."

"Girl friends or girlfriends?"

I chuckled. I wasn't really attractive to some girls at my old school. I hung out with guys, not so much girls. But the thing is, my dad only pays attention to me, if I have a girl in my life. Which is never. "Do I automatically have to have a girlfriend? I mean, I know I wasn't popular but come on."

"Woah, calm down. I was just wondering."

Instead of saying anything else, I rolled my eyes. I really didn't want to argue with my dad. I looked over to my mom, who looked as if she was disappointed in the both of us. Her brown eyes, identical to mine, were looking down at her empty plate. My dad looked tired, his green eyes were turning red because of how tired he looked.

"Are we done here?" I asked. No one answered. "Okay, I'll be in the car." I picked up my napkin that was laying on my lap and threw it on top of my plate. I got up out my seat, then left the room, leaving my parents and my sister.

I took out my phone and saw another text from Hanson. I guess I didn't feel the vibration, so I didn't know sooner.

'aw, well here isn't any better. now that Finn's gone, i gotta try all this food.' it read. I smiled even bigger than before, paying all my attention on her and not on my family.


Today was a new day and instead of Finn picking me up, Finn made Matt pick me up. Something about Julia. But I kind of like going to school with Matt. He's like a nicer version of Finn.

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