Picturing Us (12)

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Hanson's POV:

I was speechless. No words, no phrases, just an awkward me, standing there. I looked over to Finn, who looked just as shocked as I did. I looked around toward everyone else, all with smiles.

"Uh, yeah. I'd love to." I said. He hugged me tightly, smiling. I laughed, being just as excited and happy as he was.

"Nooowww, let's eat." Scott smiled. Everyone followed him into the kitchen. I stayed in the living room, looking around.

"Hey, you coming?" Levi asked.

"Uh, yeah. I just need some fresh air. A lot of surprises in one day." I laughed.

"Alright." he said.

I left out the door and sat on the small swing on our porch. I sat there thinking, not even knowing what I was thinking about. My mind went down many roads within a matter of time. I looked out to the sky. "Channing Tatum is right." I said to myself. "Full moon isn't no bigger that my thumb." I lifted my arm up to the sky, holding out my thumb. I laughed at myself.

I heard Matt's laugh from behind me.

I turned around. He had a nice blue dress up shirt and jeans. He was carrying a bowl of spaghetti in his hands. I could smell his Axe deodorant, which smelt good, especially since he wasn't wearing a cloud of it. "Oh, you heard me?"

"Uh, yeah." he smiled. "I brought you some food." he held out the bowl of spaghetti.

"Nah, I'm good."

He sat next to me on the swing."Great. I just said that to your brother, so I could have more. This really wasn't for you." he grabbed a fork full of spaghetti and shoved it into his mouth. He smiled, with a mouth of spaghetti.

"That's great." I said. I was somewhat disgusted and amused at his actions.

"Soo, Miss Picture This got herself a boyfriend." he attempted to make conversation.

"Yes, Mr. Spaghetti-Face." I smiled.

"So...Hanson Carter." he began using his fork as a microphone. "How does it feel to be off the market?" he asked.

He moved the fork to my direction. "Matt, are you on something?" I asked.

He moved the fork back to himself. "Possibly."

I laughed and so did he. He took a couple for forkfuls and swallowed them down quickly. "So...seriously." he stopped to swallow fully. "How does it feel to have a boyfriend?"

"I dunno." I looked away.

"Ah, the ol' can't choose between my boyfriend and my best friend." he elbowed me.

Woah, he's good. "How'd you know?" I asked.

"I see it in your eyes. I'm an eye expert." he flattered himself.

"An eye expert?"

"Yeah. I see it in your eyes that you can't choose between Finn and Levi. I see it in Levi's eyes that he really likes you, and I see it in Finn's eyes that he's in love with you."

"Finn's not in love with me." I denied it even more, making myself feel worst.

"Even you won't believe that." he set the bowl on the floor and turned to face me. "When someone's truly in love with you, they do stupid things. Like, lie."

I was amazed at how much he knew about love.

"Yeah, how do I know this?" he ran his hand through his hair, "I read a lot of Nicholas Sparks novels. And I mean a lot. Don't tell Finn, he'll tease me for the rest of my life."

I laughed. "You're a better friend than I thought, Dawson."

"Well, that's my job." he said, shrugging his shoulders.

I smiled. "Alright, gotta get back in there. They're probably waiting for us."

"Yeah. Let's go."


"Hanson!" Rachel yelled, running up to me. She was full of excitement.

"Woah, Ray. Calm down." I said. "What is it?"

"They posted the cast list!" she screamed.

"Woah, really?" I asked.


She grabbed my wrist and led me through the crowd of people and into the school. We ran through the hallway, Rachel holding onto me tightly, I couldn't even think about resisting.

We finally reach the Drama Club's bulletin board, and Rachel let go of me. I practically tripped over my own feet, hitting the floor face first. It hurt, but I was okay. Rachel on the other hand, needed a sleeping pill.

"What cha doin'?" Levi appeared, blocking the hallway lights out of my face.

"Oh, just layin'." I said. He grabbed my hand and helped me up. I dusted myself off, starting with my blue jeans. I was also wearing a light pink sweater, with my blonde straight hair left down.

"Yeah, Rachel. I'm fine." I said.

Levi laughed, while Rachel read the cast list. "She's really into this small play isn't she?" Levi asked.

"Uh, yeah." I smiled.

He put his arm around me as we walked closer to the cast list.

The first name: Hanson Carter as Sandy

The second: Finn Mitchell as Danny

"Woah." Levi said.

"Tell me about it." Rachel added.

"What's going on?" Matt showed up, along with Finn and Julia.

"Well, someone got the lead. And his name rhymes with Winn Fitchell." I said.

"Woah, that's so cool babe!" Julia said.

"You don't mind?" Finn asked her.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"There are a couple of...scenes." Rachel answered.

"What kind of scenes?"

"Smooch scenes." I said, realizing how stupid I sounded.

It got silent. Too silent.

"Well, it's fine with me. You guys are just friends, Hanson knows how gross Finn is." Julia said, hugging her boyfriend who was a bit offended. "They would never do that in real life, so why should I worry."

"It's not like they haven't kissed..." Levi mumbled. He tried to cover it up by drinking his coffee, but both me and Finn both heard it. It looked like nobody else heard it, which was fine.

Finn and I looked at each other in silence. Our eyes were opened wider than usual, but I turned away like it meant nothing.

What did he mean by that?


ooh another cliffhanger!!!

Do you think Levi will tell?

Okay so yeah... Please so all that comment and vote blah blah blah...I'm tired:)....But I do hope that you like it!!!'


I feel stupid...Yup

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