Chapter Seventeen

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It's been a month since my betrothal was called off, Zalgo had given up, knowing that we had a bigger army on our side. I walk into the kitchen in a sports bra and shorts, opening the fridge and grabbing a bottle of water. I sigh and walk out, heading out the door and through the woods.
I plug my earbuds in and turn on my workout mix. I stretch my legs out and begin a paced jog. I jog out of the woods and head for a side walk, it's been about a year since I left and I changed my appearance enough since then.
I continue jogging, heading towards the mall. I had taken this route a few times, so I learned it well. I stop and catch my breath when I reach the mall. I looked down at my watch and smiled, beat my usual time.
I slowly walk into the mall, heading straight for the bakery. I take in the sweet smells when I open the door and sigh happily.
"Good morning, Zoë." The girl at the counter says with a smile. I smile back and walk up to her.
"The usual, make it a double." I say as my phone goes off. I pull it out of my pocket and press the answer button. "Hello?"
"Ah, glad you answered, where are you, Chloé?" The man on the other end of the phone asked. I freeze, the only people who had my number was Slender and a few others.
"Who is this?" I ask, mouthing a thank you as I take my cinnamon rolls and coffee, handing my money to Sheila.
"Oh, I'm sure you know, here, let me give you a hint, my name rhymes with bully. No? No, clue? Come on, Chloé!" He says with a chuckle, I sit down and my face hardens.
"Sully, what do you want from me?" I ask, knowing I'm treading on thin ice.
"I want you to tell me where my brother is." He answers seriously. I tear off a piece of cinnamon roll and bite into it.
"And why would I do that?" I snap, losing patience with this bipolar murderer. He chuckles darkly before answering again.
"Because I have your daughter, and if you don't tell me in the next ten hours, she dies." He says before breaking out into loud cackles.
I stand up and growl, earning quite a few stares from others in the bakery, "Lay a hand on her and I will kill you with no remorse."
All he does is laugh, "Oh, how innocent you are. You really think that I'm afraid of you?"
"It doesn't matter if you're afraid of me or not, what matters is the fact that you have the audacity to take my daughter, threaten my daughter's life, and expect me, of all people, to do your bidding. Well, you're woefully incorrect, because trust me, my boyfriend is going to kick your ass." I growl before hanging the phone up and heading out of the bakery.
"Sorry, but something's come up." I say quickly before breaking into a sprint out of the mall, heading straight for the woods. I dial Slender's number. "Slender! Pick up!" I say, my pace only gaining speed.
"Yes?" He answers on the other end of the phone.
"Liu...has....Izzy..." I say between wheezes, losing energy to run. I stop when I reach the edge of the woods.
"What?! Where are you?!" Slender says worriedly. I can't reply due to the fact that tears start flowing down my cheeks.
"Edge...o-of...f-f-forest.." I choke out, within seconds, Slender has teleported to me, to his office, but it's all too much as I faint. I wake up in Slender's bed, the silk sheets sticking to my sweaty body. I shoot up and swing my legs over the side of the bed, quickly running out of the room and down the hall.
When I swing Slender's office door open, what I catch is heart touching. "IF YOU DON'T FIND THEM AND FIND THEM SOON I WIL- oh, hello, my love." Slender says, finally noticing me.
"What happened? Is Izzalia ok? Should I start tracking? Do I need to give you any information? How can I help? Will I be able to kill the bastard?" I ask, bombarding Slender with questions.
He quickly answers them, "Nothing important, just dealing with my idiots, I'm not sure, no, you can't, you will stay here for now, no, I read your mind, there's not much you can do, yes, when we find him you can do as you please."
I nod, satisfied with my answers. Slender turns back to who he was yelling at, Jeff, and starts up again, "AS I WAS SAYING, IF YOU DON'T FIND THEM AND FIND THEM SOON, I WILL MAKE SURE I FIX YOUR HIDEOUS FACE PERMANENTLY!"
Jeff glared at Slender and turned, leaving the room. I pull my phone out of my pocket and press one of my favorited contacts. It rings twice before someone picks up, "Hello, Blood Angel." I huff angrily.
"Give Stripes the phone, now." I growl out, a few seconds later she answers the phone.
"Sorry about that, I left my phone in the kitchen and Father decided to answer it, he's been acting strange ever since you left. To be honest, I didn't even know he had actual feelings and emotions." Stripes said through the phone. I shake my head and sigh.
"It doesn't matter right now, I need your help. " I say into the phone, in desperate spirits. Within ten minutes, Stripes had teleported to Slender's office, been informed on what happened, made a game plan, and started a full on war. That's why I love her.
"Ok, now that Liu knows he can't fuck around with us, let's go get our Izzy." Stripes said with a determined smile on her face. I smirked, ready to go into battle.
When we reached where Liu said to meet, we had quite a few pastas with us, Slender, Stripes, me, Jeff, Ben, all of Slender's proxies, and Trender(he stayed after the games for me.).
"You think I'm scared now? Because you have your boyfriends henchman?" Liu said before bending over in laughter. I grit my teeth and growl.
"Where's my daughter?" I say, my veins popping out and my blood pressure way beyond what's healthy. I've never felt this way before, it's scary, yet....amazing.
Suddenly, Liu pulls a chain to reveal Jane and Izzy bound to it. I growl angrily, and pull my glock out, pointing it at his head. "Let her go, now. " I say darkly.
Liu laughs at my demand before pulling a knife from his pocket. "Where is my demon for a brother?" Liu sneered. Slender and I both growled angrily.
I instantly fired my gun with a growl, "You won't get near him and you will give me my daughter." Liu easily dodged it with a smirk plastered on his stupid face.
"Oh, how wrong you are, sweet cheeks." He said before charging at me, his knife raised to kill me. Before he could even touch me, Slender had him bound with his tentacles.
"Oh, how wrong you are." He growled, "For one, Jeff is my number one employee, second, nobody, and I mean nobody touches who or what belongs to me," Slender tightened his grip on Liu's throat as he continued, "and lastly, no one ever hurts my darling, Chloé and Izzy."
Slender snapped Liu's neck with a deafening crack, causing Trender and Stripes to cringe at the sound. But me, I only smirked, Slender couldn't love me more.

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