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I ran into the Bureau desperate to tell Tris everything that I just happened. This can change our lives forever. It can change our children's lives! (nudge nudge wink wink).I wanted to hold her and comfort her, I wanted to tell her she and her brother were heroes. I saw her talking to Cara quietly. Just looking at her my heart flipped.


She turned and saw me. We ran to each other and she pushed me against the wall fiercely kissing me harder and harder. Desperation flowed through both of us, I wanted more.

I didn't know if you were coming back," she said gasping for air.

"Sorry I just- Tris?"

There was Caleb just now walking into the room. What was he doing here? He's a traitor, god he even tried to kill Tris, and now he's back? What happened while I was gone?

"Tris? I asked trying to stay calm, "what is he doing here?" I took a deep breath and look her directly in the eye.

"Tobias, I couldn't let my brother die! He didn't even have a chance of living, and I did! I might as well of killed him myself, he wouldn't of gone for it otherwise!"

"So you went in there instead of him?"

"Yes," she replied staring right back.

"I should've known! There you are risking your life again not even telling me that you were even thinking about it! You should be lucky your alive! I trusted you!"

"It's not your decision to make! Am I too Abnegation for you?"

I look at Caleb in disgust and realization flowed through me. This is a moment of celebration, it should be a moment of happiness! We were alive and everything worked according to plan, but Tris didn't necessarily follow the plan. I look at Tris and see that I should've known she would pull a stunt like this and I understand. I would do the same for her, and I haven't known her my whole life, like she knew her brother." I look a Tris and she seems ticked off that I can't see her point, and that I don't agree with her. she should see mine.

"Tris I'm sorry, it's just that I care about you too much for me to accept that sacrificing your life is sometimes what feels right for you. Your not to Abnegation. Your brave, selfless, kind, and honest, we'll for the most part on the last one."

"We'll that was quick. Did you expect that would sweep me off my feet and everything would be ok? All our relationship has been is problems."

"I love you," I whispered, hanging my head.

Tris scowled when I said this, and she turned around and started heading towards David's office.

"Glad your alive! She yelled over her shoulder.

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