💛 Um I've been dead but I guess I got tagged again lol

19 3 4

First kiss
Not yet sigh

Don't have one right now

One wish
I wish I had a crush who would like me back and we could just be happy together

Eye color
Ocean blue

Hair color
Dirt brown
Oh my gosh I'm the Earth

Last text
"But did you look at the actual video's dislikes"
No context (YouTube rewind 2018 cough cough)

Boy bff
What are boys

Girl bff
I honestly don't know about irl but on Wattpad it's still Catcookie24

Miss anyone
I miss my grandma and a little chicken named John
But I don't really miss anyone who's still alive

Single Pringle

First fling
We don't talk about the Incident™️

Ha, nice try, I don't tell my age to someone unless I've talked to them

this is a picture

PetsI have two meows and a woof

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I have two meows and a woof

Nah not gonna tag LOL

As of: December 13, 2018

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