Chapter 6

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I walked into school with everyone staring at me. I tried to ignore them but everyone kept looking.

Just then a boy walked passed saying "I didn't know you wasn't a virgin." I then lost it.

Everyone started laughing and pointing. I ran to find Henry. He was laughing it up with his dumb friends.

"Hey Henry why you lie to everyone and said we had sex?" I screamed at him.

Henry looked at me confused. "Charlotte What are you talking about." He whispered.

I then slapped him. Everyone went "ooooo."

"We didn't have sex and you know that." I said and walked away.


I rubbed my face when she walked away. It hurts like a bitch.

I went to go to the restroom to freshen up.

Just then my friend Gabe walked in.

"Well, well, Well, if it isn't Henry Hart." He said.

I slammed him to the wall. "Why did you tell everyone that me and Charlotte had sex?" I said waiting for answers.

"I didn't do it!" He said nervously and sweating. "I swear, don't you remember who did it?"He asked.

I let go of him.

"Who did it?" I asked.

"You told everyone remember." He said fixing his clothes.

"Why would I do that?" I asked.

We then sat down.

"You don't remember that night?" He said giving a flashback in what happened 2 days after me and Charlotte had sex.


"This party is so lit!" Gabe said passing out drinks to everyone.

He passed a drink to Henry.

"I don't drink." He said.

"Just one shot." Gabe said.

Henry took the cup and drunk it. After that they played a game.

"Listen everyone." Gabe said. "Let's play a little game called never have I ever."

Everyone got quiet to look around.

"Never have I ever had sex." Someone said from across the room.

Then Henry stood up and said ,"I had sex with Charlotte so I have! I have had sex so I am NOT a virgin." Henry shouted.

"He's drunk." Someone whispered.

"Ok buddy sit down I think you had one to many drink." Gabe said trying to get Henry outside so he can take him home.

"Is it cats outside?" Henry whispered halfway sleep.

"What have you done." Gabe said.

Driving Henry home Gabe dropped him off and left.

Flashback done
"Why did I do that!? I'm so dumb!" I said hitting my head.

"Truth hurts." Gabe said leaving.

I sat in the bathroom by myself crying for the rest of the period.

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