You Can Run

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Just something I forgot to add to the last chapter because I'm lazy (I was thinking I should have put this where I had the "just add the description from the introductory chapter" but then I realised I had them sleeping and most of this is to do with their eyes) but at night the guys eyes change.

"Oh wait no," Geno said, relaxing. "Dust's still there."

"Which one's that?" Asked Blue. Geno pointed him out (Come on, you know which one he is). Blue stared at his sleeping form. Suddenly, he opened his eyes and winked. Blue blinked in surprise, blushing (As you knew she would).

"Blue! Come on we need to find the other two!" Cross yelled. Blue shook herself out of her stupor and began scrolling through the cameras.

"Ok, Horror's still in the dining room... I found Killer! He's in the western hallway! Umm... the last guy-"

"Error," Geno interrupted. Blue shook off the interruption.

"Error's in the kitchen."

"Ok, keep an eye on them, Blue, especially Killer," Cross instructed "Ink and Dream, you two can stay by the doors and wait to close them. Lust make sure Blue doesn't miss anything. Geno, I want you to give all of us an explanation." Geno shook her head at the last.

"I'm sorry Cross but I can't do that. There's no guarantee that you guys will stick around that long and it's not a tale to be told to just anyone," she said, firmly. Cross's eyes flashed and she opened her mouth to say something when she was interrupted by Blue's cry of.

"Horror's in the hallway outside! Close the left door!" Ink hurriedly obeyed and before long Horror's torn face and burning red eye appeared at the glass pane near the door meant for seeing outside. The group stared at him in fear. He gave a too wide smile and sang.

"Why'd you lock the door? Don't you like us anymore? This game's lots of fun, you look funny when you run. Eyes up on the wall, well that's just no fun at all. Watching us in there? Using cameras hardly seems fair." Lust approached the window slowly, her heart in her mouth. "You can run, pretty girls but there's nowhere to hide."

"You think I'm pretty?" Lust asked. Horror blinked and for a moment his eye wasn't so red and his face wasn't so bloody. He looked confused. Lust let out an astonished "Oh," but then his face returned to its former state. Suddenly the power shut off and the entire room went pitch black. Everyone held their breath in fear as a music box began to play. Then the clock struck 6:00.

"Is-Is it safe to leave?" Ink asked. Geno nodded.

"At six o'clock they kinda shut down." Carefully the group left the room. Horror lay unconscious on the floor where he'd been before and just like in that moment before the power shut off his face wasn't covered in blood and while his eyes were shut he looked far more peaceful than he had during the night. Lust hung back and studied him. His sleeping face looked tired and his body was twisted in strange, uncomfortable angles. Lust began moving his limbs into more comfortable positions, soon he looked like he was sleeping peacefully on his side. Lust smiled at him and stood up only to find Cross staring at her.

"What?" She asked. Cross shook her head.

"Nothing," she mumbled "Go on I'll be right behind you." Lust walked passed Cross and ran to join the others. Cross stared at the figure of Horror before turning to leave herself when something caught her eye. A bright blue eye glowing in the darkness. She caught its stare and held it. "Who are you?" She asked. The eye considered her.

"Just a nightmare. Who are you?" It asked.

"My name is Cross. Do you have a name?"

"I used to. Now I don't deserve it. The others call me the Marionette. Say, do you know that golden-haired girl well?"

"Dream? Yes, I've known her for years. I even helped look for her brother in some of the earlier years of our friendship."

"Her brother?"

"When she was younger she lost her brother in the woods beside her house. She looked for him for years but it almost killed her so we convinced her to wait for him. It was very hard on her to move here."

"Why did she move?"

"We all moved here together. There weren't any jobs left for us so it was either leave or be penniless." She shook her head. "I don't even know why I'm telling you all this, I barely know you."

"People like to tell me things."

"What do you mean? What are you?" The cyan eye disappeared. Cross stood dissatisfied before running to catch up with the others.

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