Chapter Two - The Epitome of Clumsy

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I'm not quite sure about this chapter, that's why I've been delaying an update

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I'm not quite sure about this chapter, that's why I've been delaying an update. I don't want to change much, therefore I left the beginning very similar to before. But it doesn't sit well with me. Your thoughts on it? Should I remove it?
Do tell.



Chapter Two —
The Epitome of Clumsy

According to Wikipedia, "nerd" is a descriptive term,  indicating that a person is overly intellectual, obsessive, or socially impaired— or even just boringly studious.

I had called myself a nerd, because was I overly intellectual? Apparently so.

Was I obsessive? Well, no.
Okay, yes, but only once I'd love something, I'd always pay my full attention to it. I preferred the term passionate.

Was I socially impaired? I had always been more shy than anti social. 

"They may spend inordinate amounts of time on unpopular, obscure, or non-mainstream activities, which are generally either highly technical or relating to topics of fiction or fantasy."

I liked to read. Was that an unpopular thing to do? Not at all.  I hadn't done anything obscure, being a pretty boring and plain person, not having any special talents, so I'd never had non-mainstream activities which are highly technical.

Fiction and fantasy, on the other hand — a humongous yes, please.

"Many nerds are described as being shy, quirky, and unattractive, and may have difficulty participating in, or even following, sports."

True, true. I liked to think that quirky meant original, different, weird and unconventional. A lot of people told me I had a quirky personality, so I believed it to be a good thing to be such. Everyone is weird in their own way. As for being unattractive; the truth is,  every single person is attractive, no matter what one person thought about you, there'd be another who'd think you're beautiful.  I also strongly believed in the saying;

Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.

On a scale of one to ten, I would consider myself a six.. surely a seven on certain days. That's just how it was.

As for sports — it wasn't my thing.

They also say; "Originally, "Nerd" is a stereotypical term, but has been reclaimed and redefined by some as a term of "pride" and group identity."

When I was younger, just entering my teenage years, being called a nerd affected me in a negative way. But I'd grown to realise that I wouldn't have ever wanted to be popular or to even have many friends. It just wasn't me.  I would rather be shy, quirky, intellectual, socially impaired, and everything else they'd call me, because the little details about everyone made up who they are.

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