4. solo

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Madam B. stopped the music, making them all stop dancing and even sending some tumbling. "Ladies. At the end of this week you will all be putting on a show for Ivan and the KGB." She told them all. Some looked like they wanted to groan in annoyance while others held their emotions back well. "Yes well I know that you have your fight that occurs the day after and that you also do this quite often but this time it's different. This time, Madam Alla Sokolov will be joining us and will also be suggesting which one of you lucky women might potentially be The Black Widow." She said, excitement radiating off of her for the first time in years.

"Uh Madam B.... Who is this women you speak of?" Pavla asked. She's one of the weakest girls but is considered popular because of her gossiping and her looks. Madam B. looks angry at how she addressed Alla and was about to scowl.

"I was getting around to that part, Pa-"

"Madam Alla Sokolov is the leader of KGB and daughter of its founder. She was trained when she was a young girl all the way to our age when her father had seen it fit for her to go out into the field. She was and still considered a very good fighter and spy." Natalia answered Pavla's question, to which she rolled her eyes at much like the others girls.

Madam B. though seemed quite impressed, "Well done, Natalia. Just remember not to speak unless spoken to which is something Pavla seems to also needs a lesson in." She said then turned to glare at the younger women.

"Now girls, remember that if Madam speaks to you.. you must address her by Madam Sokolov, just like how you address me as Madam B." She tells them as she walks up and down past the line of young girls.

"You will all be doing a group dance but only two of you will also get a solo." She tells them, which seems to actually get them excited. "I have already selected these two people."

Natalia was the most excited of them all. She wasn't sure whether she was getting the part and she mainly believed she wouldn't but she would most definitely love to impress the leader of the KGB if it meant her survival in all of this was definite.

"Our Ballerina's performing solo's will be.... Kira and Dorothy." Madam B. told them all, bringing most of their hopes down, especially Natalia's. She doesn't mind the fact that Kira got it because she is quite a good dancer and believes she deserves it but Dorothy a.k.a Dottie. Well Natalia absolutely despises her.

She's hated Underwood ever since they were young. She use to pull at Natalia's hair, call her names and rip up her books. She was never punished because no one cared and Madam B. wasn't always around as much.

Natalia used to have these beautiful red pointe shoes that she got from Yuri. Red was hers and Yuri's favourite colour.

After Yuri's death, she began dancing after everyone was asleep

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After Yuri's death, she began dancing after everyone was asleep.. or so she thought they were. After Natalia took off her shoes a figure ran towards the girl then snatched them from her hands. It was Dottie. Natalia did nothing about it because she was afraid. "What are you scared little bug? Do you need a kiss from your mommy? Oh wait, she's dead! At least my parents weren't dead before the KGB got to them. Your family was pathetic! Exactly like you." Dottie had spat at her. Natalia didn't flinch but tried hard not to cry, barely succeeding.

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