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Nayeon's Feelings

Nayeon's feelings? Well its kinda complicated. Being with Yoongi was the greatest thing that ever happened to Nayeon. But after that Yoongi made out with that Joy? Nayeon feels like being with Yoongi was the worst thing she ever did. She regretted everything. She thought about raising her daughter together, helping her while giving birth and all kind of stuff.

But after that, she felt like her life was over. She wanted to just die but she thought of a lot of things. Her baby, her family and her friends. She was about to kill herself in the bathroom but she did not go for it.

She thought that 'Maybe God has a bigger plan for me' or 'He will make my life better'. In the present, she does not even think of doing something to risk her life. Having Yeoreum was the Best thing that happened to her. She was the Energy giver, Happiness maker and all kind of stuff that would brighten your mood and make you feel better.

When she saw Yoongi for the first time after they broke up, she felt the feeling that she had when she first met him. Sweating of palms, Blushing cheeks and her heart beating fast. She really missed him but she thought that he was the one making her life worse.

When Yoongi pleaded that he wants to have Nayeon as his girlfriend as well she wanted to say yes. But she said no. She is really thankful for her Twice and her Family for accepting her decision. She is still wanting to be with Yoongi but maybe she still needs time

'You left me by hurting my feelings. You made out with someone that was really bad. I left you and carried on with my life'

'I was at that stage that we imagined. We imagined holding our hands while im giving birth. But that never happened. Instead, I held on myself and continued to be strong. I had a chance that I would die because of giving birth but at that time I did not care. But I survived and named Our baby, correction my baby Yeoreum.'

'She had your eyes and your nose, but she will never have the personality of yours. She grew up not knowing that you were her dad and saw you in the mall. She was obsessed with you like I was in the past. She brings you home and we stood there face to face not knowing what we would do'

'You kissed me like the past when I was yours. I pushed you and we fought. I can't believe that you would come back after 4 years and not even willing to find me. Days, Months has passed and us Twice still ignore you.'

'Yoongi if you did not do that in the past then we should be a happy family by now. If you want me to be yours again then wait, Wait like I waited for you to find me 4 years ago. But I believe that you would eventually give up aswell. I still love you but you did something wrong'

Yoongi's feelings

Im Nayeon my girlfriend in the past. I loved you really much. You were mistaken that I was making out with Joy. She was the one who did it. I kept pushing her away but she keeps on doing it. I tried to find you every time we had no schedule or we are free. You just never seem to notice. I want you back Nayeon. I am willing to wait for you to hive me another chance and I am not willing to waste that chance again

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