Midsummer Madness 1997

722 21 13

Exhausted, I stood behind the counter, looking around the café, searching for people that needs assistance and orders.

I straightened my black skirt and headed to the woman who wants to order. "Orders?" I asked, making sure that my notepad and pen are readied. "One caramel macchiato and one glazed donut." She said, not looking up at me. "One caramel macchiato and glazed donut coming right up." I said, giving the costumer a curt nod and left.

I dinged the bell and pasted the order on the board. "One caramel macchiato and donut coming right up!" Eddie, our hardworking chef shouted.

I leaned against the counter, glancing up at the cashier, who is busy collecting money and doing math. The bell rang again, letting the people inside the café know that a new costumer has walked in.

I glanced up at the new comer who already sat down at one of the tables near the windows. I went to the costumer, not looking up.

I stood beside the table and cleared my throat which got his attention. "Order?" I asked, looking for my pen. "One earl grey and chocolate chipped cookies." My head immediately snapped up, looking at the owner of the voice which i knew too well. well look who decided to grace us upon his presence, Alan Rickman is in front of me. "holy shit." i gaped at him.

I quickly straightened my posture and tucked a lose strand of hair behind my ear from my messy bun. "One earl grey and chocolate chipped cookies coming right up." I breathed out, surveying his features. "Pardon?" He asked, looking up, almost like he's examining me. "O-one earl grey and chocolate chipped cookies coming right up." I said it loudly this time, cursing silently for stuttering. i gave a tiny smile and left, silently praying that i won't make a fool out of myself but, my prayer has not been heard and i tripped, lunging face first on the hard wooden floor.

"fuck you satan." I mumbled, getting up, looking around if anybody saw me, luck hates me and I saw alan fucking rickman covering his mouth, his shoulders shaking. "for fuck's sake." I blushed, touching my face, afraid that i ruined it. but, nothing seem to happened so I headed towards the counter, pasting the order again. "One earl grey and chocolate chip cookies coming right up!" Eddie shouted, fumbling over what seems like a dough.

I went to the bathroom, redoing my makeup and tying my red hair up into a short ponytail . I left and stood behind the counter again, looking around, I can't help but glance at a certain man, who is staring at me too. I raised an eyebrow and shook my head, trying not to groan at the incident awhile ago. I must have look like a stupid shit earlier.

"Order for table 5! Order for table 5!" Another waitress called for alan's table number. I rolled my eyes and focused on to another costumer. "Order?" I asked at the elder woman. "Two vanilla latte please." She said, smiling up at me which i gladly returned. "Coming right up." I turned around and pasted the order on the order board and Eddie shouted the order again.

I stood beside the cashier, she looks like she was about to die in any moment so I offered her help. She gladly accepted it so we switched positions, I'm the cashier now. I counted, did math, and smiled. no wonder she looks like that, i thought. another costumer came, but i didn't look up. "I ordered a pasta and wine, add that up and that would be 0917-------." The man has the nerve to give me his number! what an idiot. "Excuse me?" I glared at blonde man in front of me. "You are excused." He smirked. testy are we? two can play that game. "You are one of our loyal costumers but sadly, you cannot have a discount for hitting up with an employee who is not interested in such pricks like you, sir." I smiled sweetly, seeing that his face had gone red. "C'mon babe, i know you like me." He leaned more, "I already told you to back off, I'm not the type of woman you're looking for, hun." I smirked. "Oh cut the shit and come with m-"

just as he was about to to touch my arm, somebody grabbed him from his colar. "I believe that the woman already said to back off, which part of back off don't you understand, boy?" Alan growled, fist ready to fire. "And who are you? her knight in shinning armor? the last time i heard from her is that she doesn't have a man?" The blonde smirked, but it faltered when Alan pulled him closer, "That was last time, you stupid imbecile. Think before you lay another hand on my girlfriend." He snarled, releasing the blonde guy from his painfully tight grip.

"Oh you're lucky that your knight has come to the rescue, I'll get my hands on you someday." the blonde guy spat and walked out.

"Are you okay? did he hurt you?" He rambled, looking for a wound but surprisingly found none. " i didn't ask for help. I can handle him, thank you very much." I said, rolling my eyes and fixing my sleeves. Alan looked taken aback but regained his posture.

"Please write what you ordered here." I said, sliding him a piece of paper. He wrote his orders down and smiled at me. "That would be $7.45 dollars." I said, unable to look at him. He handed the bill and glanced at me for a moment before letting his eyes rest at my name tag. He gave a curt nod and left.

I exhaled and fixed my gaze on the paper he gave me but accidentally let it slipped in my hands. The paper landed on the floor upside down and saw a number written on it. my eyes widened and almost did a double take. alan rickman gave me his fucking phone number.

i took a deep breath and pinched myself to see if this was a dream but no, I hissed at the small pain that erupted on my arm.

"Oh hey summer, whacha got there?" My co-worker gestured at the paper i'm holding. "Oh nothing, just orders." I laughed nervously. "You sure? Anyway, thanks for helping me. We can now go back to our original positions." The brunette in front of me smiled and I nodded.

Quickly, I put the paper on my chest pocket, where it's safe and called it a day because my shift is done. I slipped into sweatpants, black shirt and sneakers in the changing rooms and went outside the café, looking around. I spotted my tiny beetle just beside the building and fished my car keys on my bag and went inside.

I started up the engine, putting my bag on the passenger seat and drove off, headed to my apartment. I grabbed my bag and stepped out of my car, which is half my height. I fished my apartment keys again and opened the door.

I stepped inside my one floor apartment, kicking the door close and kicking my shoes off. I set my things down, opening the dim lights and went to my small bedroom, undressing myself and grabbing a towel before stepping into the small shower. After cleaning myself, I brushed my teeth, putting my used clothes on the hamper and closed the lights, my mind focused on alan. Why did he helped me?

I sighed, running a hand on my hair, attempting to just shrug off the madness. lucky me it's saturday tomorrow. I smiled in content and found myself drifting off to dream land filled with his face.

pic above - that's summer. how was it? i'll be updating two times a week do please be patient. don't forget to vote and comment.

-summer 1997- [alan rickman]Where stories live. Discover now