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third person;

Summer woke up, clutching Alan's number on her hand. Her mind and heart debated, whether to call Alan or not. She shook her head, ruffling her short crimson hair, groaning. She has work today and she's late, very late. "fuck!" The girl cursed under her breath, stepping out of bed and quickly headed to the bathroom.

She undressed, stepping in the shower for a quick bath. She ran around the apartment, her uniform halfway buttoned. She balanced, putting her heels on and tying her hair into a short ponytail messily. She applied a small amount of makeup and gathered her things and checking herself one last time on the broken mirror.

cursing and groaning can be heard as she turned the key around the keyhole to open the door, and stepping outside her small apartment and locking it again.

She searched frantically for her car keys in her bag but no luck. She pulled her hair angrily, for forgetting her car keys inside the apartment. "shit!" She cursed for the nth time and decided to hail a cab instead.

After 5 minutes, she surrendered, deciding to run to the café instead. She ran, avoiding cars, she twisted and turned, bumping to people. she muttered an apology and ran again. The café came into her view and she ran faster than ever. "finally." She muttered under her breath, fixing her clothes and hair. not wanting to embarrass herself even more.

She opened the glass door, the bell ringing softly. The redhead went straight to the staff room, putting her things down. "You're late, Miss Grey." A man said, around his 40's. "I apologize, Boss, I slept in." She said, looking at the raven haired man in front of her. "Don't make it happen again." Her manager said, turning around to leave.

Summer went out and looked around the place, running a hand on her hair. She saw a hand came up and immediately walk there. "Order?" She said, giving a tiny smile. "One cinnamon roll and one green tea." The man said, putting the menu down. "One cinnamon roll and one green tea coming right up." She nodded and left, pasting the order on the order board.


I saw Scarlet walking up to me with a smile on her face. "Hey girl, where did you go yesterday?" The brunette asked, leaning at the counter. "Home." I replied. "Oh c'mon, you're not mad are you? I was merely joking yesterday." She laughed, making my head turn to her.

"Joking? you embarrassed me in front of a celebrity! That's a joke to you?" I scoffed, crossing my arms, avoiding her stare. "Hey now, Alan thought it was funny." She said softly. "See?! A celebrity is making fun of me! how stupid!" I walked away from her. I can't believe scarlet! God, how I hate that woman.

I rolled my eyes at the thought. I looked around, not a hand in the air. I walked toward the book shelf, my fingers grazing at the spines of the moldy books. I picked a book, sitting at the nearest chair and started reading, not caring about the world. I heard a scraping of chair in front of me but chose to ignore it.

"Goodmorning." I immediately turned my eyes to the person in front of me. "Hey." I breathed out. "What are you reading?" He asked, leaning backwards, crossing his arms on his chest. "Hamlet, by William Shakespeare." I replied, putting the book down, leaning on the table. "Shakespearean are we?" He gave out a throaty chuckle. damn. "since i was a child." I crossed my arms too. "We have a lot in common." He said, standing up to get a book from the shelf. "You bet." I rolled my eyes, a smile etching on my face. He hummed in response before sitting back down across me.

"What did you get?" I asked, eyeing the small book in his hands. "Guess." He smirked, covering the title. "Written by William Shakespeare too?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. He nodded, smiling. I cocked my head to the side, pretending to think. "Let's see... hm.. All's well that ends well? Henry VIII? King Lear, Macbeth, The merchant of Venice? No? Must be... The midsummer night's dream? Romeo and juliet, The tempest, Timon of Athens, Twelfth night?" I counted off with my fingers.

He shook his head, a grin forming on his face like a Cheshire cat. "Ahah! Othello! Gotcha!" I grinned, clasping my hands. He nodded, putting the book down. "You memorized all the books?" Alan asked, raising an eyebrow intimately. "What do you think?" I laughed. "I think you're obsessed." He smiled. I rolled my eyes. "So, how old are you?" He asked suddenly, making me fall off my seat. "Why ask such a thing?" I raised an eyebrow. "Just curious." He shrugged and was about to read. "27" I blurted out, making him put the book down. "I'm-"

"You're 51, i know that already." I shrugged. "How?" He asked. "There's this thing called internet." I replied. "So, you stalked me?" He muttered. "No need to use stalk, i like to call it checking or searching." I rolled my eyes. "So how many people are searching me in the internet?" He asked. "Millions," He gasped. "That's because you're famous." I added. "Oh, i gotta go now, I have work. see you later." I smiled, putting the book back to the shelf and went to help a costumer, leaving alan.

"Orders, Gentlemen?" I asked, glancing at Alan. "Pesto Pasta, Hawaiian pizza, Lasagna, Bolognese, Pumpkin juice, Iced tea, and Chocolate pudding." I jotted down the orders on the notepad, giving a curt nod and left, pasting the order on the order board. I peeled at the kitchen, looking for Eddie. "You alright there, Eddie?" I shouted. "Yeah, still alive!" He shouted back. "See you later!" I left, looking around the place to see all the costumers smiling and eating happily.

"Hey." I put my small hand on Alan's shoulders, catching him by surprise. I laughed, pointing at his face. "You should've seen you're face!" I laughed, clutching my stomach. "Twas hilarious!" I said, gasping for air. Soon enough, Alan joined in. We stopped laughing, wiping tears off. "Oh God." I grinned, shaking my head. I glanced at the clock, then outside, noticing that it had gone dark. "My work is done." I smiled, heading towards the changing room, and changed my clothes into a pair of black pants and a dark green shirt, kicking my heels off and wore a sneakers instead. I gathered my things, nodding to my manager and left to see alan.

"See you tomorrow Alan." Stepping a little closer, not thinking of what i'm going to do, I tiptoed, kissed his cheek slowly, and then left the café, not looking back. I touched my hot face, slapping it for my stupidity. "Why did I kissed him?!" I groaned, looking up at the night sky. After walking for about 5 minutes, my small apartment finally came into my view.

Fishing the keys out of my pocket, I opened  the door, kicking it close once I'm inside. I stepped out of my shoes and put my things down, heading to the kitchen to drink water and go to bed. Just one thing tattooed on my mind. "Alan fucking Rickman."

i'll be updatin' firs' thing in the mornin', keep the votes and comments going!

-summer 1997- [alan rickman]Where stories live. Discover now