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Most chapters will be 1000 words but since this is the prologue this is going to be 1500 words k? cool

I stared at ninja as he wove magic into the book.

He never told me why he started it, but the book seemed important to him.

He has started writing it right after he locked the sorcerer in the hole. So I assumed it had something to do with that.

He finally had some free time to hang out with me and he spends it all writing in that book or fighting the monsters the sorcerer sends.

I sighed and pushed off the wall to walk over to where Ninja was sitting.

"Heyyyyy Ninjyyyy" I whispered in his ear.

Without looking up he shudders "Yes Nomi?"

"Pay attention to meeeeee, I said pushing the book out of his hands and onto the table.

"I can't, this is important"

"if it's so important, why won't you tell me," I asked sliding onto his lap.

He huffed and turned his head, facing the wall. I knew he was blushing.

I turned forward and grabbed the book turning to the front page.

"What is this thing?" I asked flipping through the pages. I wasn't able to read any of the text, it was written in a different language or something.

He snatched it out of my hands before I could make it halfway through.

"I wish I could tell you, but with Plop Plop guarding the ball I can't risk anyone else I care about getting hurt." 

I pouted but didn't argue. He had been through enough. 

First Ninja Pov 

I had just defeated another one of the sorcerer's monsters and was heading home when I spotted a bright red flash come from around the corner. I sighed presuming it was another monster and readied my fighting stance. 

Turning the corner instead of finding a monster I spotted the ninja book of wisdom floating surrounded by magic runes. The very ones I had been weaving into it only hours earlier.

I looked around for any sign on what was going on, or how the book had even found its way out here. As I never took it out of my house. 

I spotted some footprints that disappeared near where the book was floating, but before I got close enough to inspect them the book started to glow brighter make a pulsing noise and before I knew it the book was shlooping me inside it. 

"Hello!! Anyone??!? Where am I?!?!" I heard someone shout as I fell through the pages.

I finally landed in the paper dojo I had been building along with the rest of the book.

I looked around and spotted Nomi wandering around staring at the paper samurais.

Walking up to him I answered his question. "Your in my book, the book of ninja wisdom."

He whirled around at my voice and threw his arms around me, he was obviously shaken so I just held him until he calmed down.

"So... This is what you've been working on?" Nomi asked quietly.

I only nodded before explaining "its for the future ninjas, to give them wisdom and teach them the ways of the ninja."

"Makes sense," he scratched his head "but why couldn't you tell me?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2019 ⏰

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