Chapter Six

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· Jasper Pov ·

its been a few hours and pheobes eyes twitched a little. my eyes go went wide and i rang edward as soon as it happened but he didnt answer so i dailed bella instead and she answered after the first two rings

*bella* jasper whats wrong?

*me* her eyes twitched

i could hear them gasp and edward shout 'i knew this would happen!' i chuckled mentally cause its true he did say ot would but im too excited my little neice will be awake soon

*bella* is she okay did you feed her?

*jasper* shes perfectly fine and i think she might wake up soon

*bella* my baby is gonna wake up?

*jasper* i believe so

her and edward said they were coming home as soon as they have seen the denalis and we talked for a few more minutes before hanging up and i watched the little girl sleep

· Edward Pov ·

i knew this would happen!

its only been a couple hours and shes made more progress and might wake up and i wont be mood went downhill from then

im happy my babygirl will be waking up but i wanted to be the first person she sees when she did and honestly right now im jealous that it will be jasper

· Renesmee Pov ·

pheobe will be waking up soon! im so so happy i cant wait to meet her i wonder if she will like me?

after another hour or so we finally arrived and daddy got out the car to speak to people mommy said they are nice but what if they dont like me?

"are you okay sweetheart?" mommy asked worriedly

i bit my lip

"what if they dont like me?" i asked nervously looking at mommy

"they will love you" jacob said with a smile

mommy gave him a look before turning back to me with her hand on my knee

"they just dont understand you our your sister yet but they will" she said reassuringly

she patted my knee and we all got out the car with mommy holding back hand and jake standing on ny otherside

"what have you done edward" one of the ladies hissed lunging for daddy but he fought them all off

"JUST LISTEN" daddy yelled

they all stopped and stared at me

"she has a heartbeat..she was born not bitten" he said

they all listened and gasped

"i can hear it" the other lady said

after that i showed them my memories since i was born even the ones of pheobe in the incibator that made them all sad but then i showed them the one of her heartbeat slowly getting stronger and they all smiled at me

"so will you help us..irina went to the volturi and we need witnesses for our daughters" daddy pleaded

they were all shocked hearing irinas name but they still agreed

"we are sorry for what are sister has done to you and your family" the older lady said with sad eyes

after we all finished and they all packed we all set off back home and i was excited to see if my sister woke up!

· Bella Pov ·

its been a few days since we came home pheobe still hasnt opened her eyes yet but ont he brightside loads of carlisles friends had agreed to help us and said they would witness for the girls even though noone has met pheobe yet they have all seen renesmees memories and gave us all their respect

hopefully this is enough to save the girls

· Carlisle Pov ·

i just finished giving pheobe a checkup and she looks completly healthy now she just needs to wake up on her own its all up to her

"how is she?" edward asked making everyone stop talking and stare at us waiting for the answer

"she is completly healthy now its all up to her to wake up" i told them with a smile

everyone cheered and bella and edwards hugged and woke up renesmee to tell her the good news and she was so excited

"does this mean we can meet the youngest cullen now?" carmen grinned

i looked over at bella and edward who nodded their heads smiling away

"only two at a time" i told them all

· Bella Pov ·

after everyone had went up to see pheobe they told us how beautiful she is and how she looked like edward and of course emmett had to say

"oh no the poor girl"

which had everyone laughing right now carlisle was up there with jasper and emmett. i felt so proud of my little angel she fought so hard over these last 3-4 months and now shes fully healthy

· Emmett Pov ·

finally shes all better now i cant wait till she wakes up so ill have another neice to teach my mischevious ways too

"our little fighter" jasper cooed holding her hand

what happened next made all of our jawsdrop...pheobe woke up and first thing she did was look towards me in wonder and confusion

"EDWARD SHES AWAKE!!" jasper yelled

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