Chapter Nine

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· Edward Pov ·

its been about 3 weeks since pheobe has woken up and she grows everyday like renesmee. she looks to be 2 years old now shes adorable she hasnt said another word since she said 'dada' which i was sad i missed but everyone told me it was the cutest thing they seen

"daddy" renesmees said from beside me

"yes sweetheart" i asked gently moving a peice of her out her eyes

she looked deep in thought

"when are the bad people coming?" she asked nervously

i sighed wrapping my arms around her

"a week the day after tomorrow but dont worry we will protect you and your sister" i assured her

"im scared what if someone hurts you all and wont it be to cold for pheobe she has only just gotten better" she whispered the last part

i loved how protective renesmee was over her sister it didnt feel like they were twins it felt like renesmee was the older sister the way she acted it was cute

· Bella Pov ·

i was currently watching pheobe sleep it always fascinated me when her or renesmee was asleep they would look so peaceful and content

"mama" she murmered in her sleep

my eyes went wide and i grinned

"edward!" i called softly knowing he would hear me

he rushed in with renesmee in his arms half asleep looking adorable

"she said mama in her sleep" i said excitedly

he frowned then smiled kissing my forehead when he got closer

"im going to take renesmee to bed" he told me and left the room

poor edward he keeps missing it when she talks and i know it hurts him im sure she will speak more soon

i love the experience with pheobe it feels more human than it does with renesmee since pheobe grew slower and is developing slower since she didnt get enough blood while i was carrying the girls i love them both equally but i cant help be slightly more protective over pheobe..we almost lost her

next day..

· Alice Pov ·

i sighed watching jasper play with pheobe in the family room im starting to think shes his blood singer or something he gives her all his attention now and it kinda hurts knowing he cares more about her than me..i know i shouldnt be jealous but i am dont get me wrong i love pheobe to peices how could you not love her shes a bright girl even if she doesnt talk

"jabjab" she giggled hiding her face playig peeka-boo with him

"peeka-boo" jasper said making a funny face she laughed so hard she fells backwards still laughing it was adorable

· Esme Pov ·

"we have such great friends" i told my husband as we watched everyone interact with eachother

he smiled kissing my cheek and leaning his head on my shoulder

"that we do" he agreed swinging us side to side smiling

· Emmett Pov ·

i thought it was hilarious that jasper still didnt notice me pulling funny faces from behind him and thats what sent pheobe into a massive laughing fit she literally fell to the laughing!

"emmett what are you doing?" rose asked making me speed away before jasper saw what i was doing

· Rose Pov ·

ny husband what a child!

· Jasper Pov ·

emmett thought i didnt notice but i did i could see him through pheobes eyes but i didnt care long as it made her laugh

"you hungry?" i asked after a while

in that moment her stomach growled

"eh" she started talking baby talk

noone really understood what she tries to say but bella told us all she said mama in her   sleep last night she was so proud of pheobe it was great but i could sense edwards sadness. he missed her first word and it was his name it had to hurt but im sure she will say it again soon

"cmon angel" bella said picking her up and leading renesmee into the kitchen

· Carlisle Pov ·

alice and jasper left last week leaving us all feeling down and sad. i understand that aro would try to force her to join the volturi but we need all the people we can get to protect our family and now two of my children have gone

"remember everyone tonight we will be camping out near the clearing so get what you need ready" i warned everyone

i sighed going to my room and packing some extra clothes for tomorrow morning while esme made the kids food

"carlisle" i heard my sons voice from behind me

"yes edward?" i asked calmly

he sighed sitting down on my bed rubbing his face with his hand

"im scared" he admitted shakily

i felt pity for him he only just got one daughter back in a way and now he might loose them both and maybe his family..we all might loose someone if it comes down to a fight

"its perfectly normal to be afraid..your a father its your job to be afraid" i told him

he groaned and flopped on the bed

"what if..what if i cant protect my family?" he asked sadly letting out a shaky breath

i patted his knee to give him some kind of comfort that he needed

"i believe you can" i admitted

he smiled and we shared a small hug before he left to join his girls before we all head on out to the mountain

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awwww poor edward!!! missed pheobes first words thats gotta suck..

i wonder if anything intresting will happen tomorrow at the clearing ;)

tell me your thoughts on this chapter!


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