Chapter Four

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     I looked up and saw a sign that read
"Welcome to Cranmede secondary school."
'Cool,' I thought,' I'm in So Awkward.' Again, the enchanted tornado was nowhere to be seen. I decided to go and speak to someone, and began scanning the crowds to see if there was anyone I recognised. After only a few moments, I spotted Cassie and Maxwell and walked over to them.
     "Hi," I said.
"Who are you?" asked Maxwell.
"And why aren't you in uniform?" Cassie inquired, disapprovingly, "It's not mufti day yet." I hesitated. Telling the truth wasn't an option; they'd think I was insane! What I needed...was an excuse.
"I ... only just started today," I replied, "They were out of stock on uniform and told me to come in my own clothes. I was trying to find student reception to see if they'd got anything. Do you know where it is?"
    It was a strange explanation, yes, but they believed me - at least, I think they did. As I walked away, I looked up; there wasn't a single cloud in the sky.
"Well that explains it!" I muttered to myself. "Why is it, the only time you actually need a storm, is when it's sunny?! Typical, blinking, British weather!" Only I didn't say blinking.

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