/Second Cont./

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     "W-What?" Changbin blushes a bit and looks at Seungmin. The taller boy paces back and forth while explaining. "Yeah. Like when Wendy and Lisa got together, we all agreed that they were hot together. It's sorta the same. Since you like Mr.Lee, it's a going to be little harder getting into that relationship because of the age difference, right?" Changbin nods, and carefully holds onto the boys words, in case he needs them later. "So mayybe it's kinda illegal cause you know, the age difference again, but still. That's what makes it hot. It's like you're both... Off limits ..." Seungmin thinks and evaluates what he said for a second, and Changbins eyes widen and he springs up from his seat. Sounds like a plan... He thinks. "That's it!" "What's it?" Seungmin gives Changbin a puzzled look. "Off limits! It's sexy, alluring... Irresistible. That's how I'll get him!" The boys face lights up. "When I get strike two, I'll start lightly, using it only... Two or three times. Then when strike three comes around, I'll exaggerate it, making it impossible to resist me!" Changbin punches a fist in the air out of pure excitement. He was proud of himself for making up this plan. Its perfect! Zero flaws.

     "What if he does resist?" "He won't." Seungmin dares Changbin. "How do you know?" "He seems like the type of guy always up to a challenge. Like in the hallways, he gives off a 'try me' sort of vibe to the students." "I guess... But Mr.Lee is super fuckin scary when he's mad." "Which is what makes him hotter. Duh." "Honestly, you're so right." Changbin smiles at the thought of him and Mr.Lee. God. Mr.Lee. I can't even imagine how he'd look mad... I haven't ever seen him ticked off. He just seems so full of lust sometimes...

     "How would kissing a guy feel like? Would it feel the same? Or different? Cause you know, people say a guys lips are juicier than a girls because they don't use any lip products." Changbin snorts and looks at Seungmin again. "Where'd you hear that crap?" "Hey, it's what I heard not researched." "Yeah I guess but-" Changbin suddenly cuts off his words and moves his legs in an awkward position.

      "Are you okay dude?" Seungmin sneers at him playfully. Dammit Changbin, you got a fucking boner from thinking about kissing Me.Lee... Great. "I-Im fine" "Do you have a boner or something stuck?" "Nooooooo......?" "We're you thinking about Mr.Lee?" "Again, noooo ......?" The shorter boys face was bright pink, and he was uncomfortable, but he had to hide it while Seungmin falls onto the floor, laughing hysterically at him. "It's not funny!" "It's so fucking hilarious!" He was on the floor like a starfish and his laughter died down a little too quickly. "Seungmin? Are you oka-" "Ooh... Just imagine: Mr.Lee, on an expensive velvet bed, with blood red drapery, and he says 'Oh! Changbin!' and you see him underneath you, naked-" "That's it! That's enough! I'm leaving!" Seungmin Burt's out into laughter again. Changbin heads for the door immediately.

"What? You going to show the whole school your massive boner from thinking about our principal or what? Haha!"

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