Changbin, a sophomore, sits in his spot in the auditorium as they announce who their new principal is. Lee Felix. Freckles face, bright smile, and deep voice. Irresistible to the schools player Changbin. Quitting his old days and going through many...
Whoever was behind me grabbed me and covered my mouth. I dropped my phone out of shock. "Shh... Shhh... It's okay. I won't take long if you tell us the truth." The truth? About what? "For right now, I want you to sleep..." He pulls out a cloth and starts to gag me. I squirm all I can but it's not helping. I can hear my phone buzzing. And buzzing. Seungmin's probably worrying. But I can't reach my phone.
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Sparks of grey flicker across my vision until I can't breathe, and everything turns black.
(Seungmin POV)
Changbin isn't answering his phone. He always texts back or says he has to go. Which has to mean he's in trouble right? I'm going to call the police... N-No service! Bull! I'm right outside the school! I can't get back in because the doors are locked... Maybe I can- Mr.Lee! I see him walking out of the front of the building. I sprint over to him quickly.
"Mr.Lee! Mr.Lee help! Please!" He turns, slightly confused and looks at me. "Changbin... Trouble... Not answering... Phone-" I say inbetween catching my breathe. "Hold on. Seungmin right? Take a second and calm down. What's happening with Changbin?" He speaks like there's no emergency. "Changbin isn't answering his phone when he always does! If he doesn't then that means something! He's in trouble I think! Please you need to help! I can't get any service, I think the lines are down!" I looks at me with concern now. Like a switch of serious has flicked on.
"Seungmin where did you last see him." "A few minutes ago, we were in one of the hallways coming from choir lessons." I try to calm down the slightest bit. "Stay here, I'll try to call the police from the inside of the building." "I-Okay..." I move towards a pole and lean on it. Changbin could be in huge danger. But... Mr.Lee is a bit excessively worrying after I told him what happened... Whatever. We're both worried. He could be in serious trouble.
(Changbin POV)
I wake up drowsily. I try to stretch but I'm apparently being held down. I can't see, so I must be blindfolded. What the fuck? How did I get here? Ohhh yeah... That jackass who gagged me. What does he want anyways? I don't really talk to any guys besides friends so... I shouldn't have any drama with anyone. What the fuck?? I struggle to free my legs and hands. I can feel the wood in the chair, so maybe I could break it. I start jumping a bit, trying to break the chair.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you. You'd just get in more trouble Binnie~"
I freeze up. The voice from earlier. "What the fuck do you want with me? Crazy bitch..." "Watch your mouth." The guy snaps and grabs my cheeks, squishing my lips together. "Don't have an attitude. You just make me want to do more stuff to you..." I start recognizing the voice a bit. "Who are you? Why am I here?" He sighs. "You wouldn't know me too well. But I know you. I know all about you Seo Changbin..." He releases his grip on me and I can feel him coming closer to me. "Do you remember Yuqi? Han Yuqi?" The name sounds familiar. But so does the last name. "She's special to me, and when I heard that you hurt her... Damn I was so fucking angry. I wanted revenge. For hurting my sister." S-Sister? My mouth opens a bit in shock. "Sister? Th-That means-" He takes off the blindfold and smiles maliciously at me. "Han Jisung. I'm glad you won this guessing game." I start struggling even more, I want to get out. "Why the hell did you kidnap me?! You could've simply just beat me to a pulp at the back of the school!" I start trying to kick my feet free but the ropes are too strong. "You're not going anywhere." He grabs my chin softly. "What I want to do simply couldn't be done with a public eye around." He smirks and I feel my face heat up. "Fuck no. Like I'm letting you fucking do anything to me!" "You'd be surprised of how I could make you feel~"
Seungmin waited for the principal to get back. Luckily he was running shortly after he left. "The cops are on their way here. Do you need me to call your parents?" Seungmin hold back a bit. "No no, it's fine. They won't be bothered." "Alright." Felix had a worried face. 'What if I don't get to see Mister Seo again? The school would be a bit bland....' He soon hears the loud alarms of the cop cars. They walk up to the student and principal, and start their questioning.
"So... do you think you could find him?" Seungmin asks. "I'm not entirely sure. Based off this information, we wouldn't have any hints. We don't have enough to go off of." The boy and principal nods. "I could check the security cameras... But I already did, and it showed nothing." "Well sir we will find the boy as soon as we can. He is your student I suppose?" Felix blushes a bit. "O-Of course." "Alright. We will start heading out to gather more information." As they leave, the man looks down at the boy, who had a few tears rolling down his cheeks. The principal melts at the sight of the vulnerable child. He pulls Seungmin into a hug and looks at him. "We will find Changbin. Everything will be fine." He had a bit of a worried tone, but a smile on his face. 'I am going to personally murder whoever touches him.' Lee Felix thought as he slightly snarled.
- - - 976. Words for you guys. Yeet. I noticed that I just changed a whole POV from third to first. Sorrryyyyy. I totally didn't notice.
Don't worry, Jisungie won't hurt Changbin.... too badly.... ;)