Changbin, a sophomore, sits in his spot in the auditorium as they announce who their new principal is. Lee Felix. Freckles face, bright smile, and deep voice. Irresistible to the schools player Changbin. Quitting his old days and going through many...
Fuck. Why is he so hot. Why am I attracted to our principal. Why am I all of a sudden attracted to guys.
Leaving Mr.Le- Felix's office, I run to the choir room to see if our teacher is still there just in case. I open the door and turns out there's a few people there. "Ahh Changbin. We heard you had an inconvenience so we rescheduled. You made it just in time." I look at the new people in surprise "I thought this was private lessons...?" "Well, I heard these students were also interested, so I invited them. A few couldn't make it because of clubs and sports though." "Uh-HUh..." I sit down and start listening to Ms. Tael. The other students who decided to join were Jeongin, Seungmin, and... Minho??? I thought he hated everything besides the color black and cats. "Changbin!" I practically jump out of my seat "Yes!?" "Just checking for your attention" Tch. Ms. Tael is the nicest teacher in the building, but she's quite strange. We're only so close because my mom knows her from college.
We start off singing simple notes and solfege. Do, re, mi, fa, blah blah blah. Ugh I just want to get to singing something that's actually a song. I wonder who else was going to join. I've heard Chan sing, and he sings amazingly don't get me wrong, but I wonder why he isn't here. The list Ms. Tael wrote on the board had eight names on it -Changbin -Chan -Jeongin -Jisung -Seungmin -Hyunjin -Minho -Woojin
I only knew a few of those names. Mine, Chan, Jeongin, Minho, and Seungmin. The other ones I've never heard of. Except... Hyunjin. I wonder if it's the same Hyunjin Seungmin talked about earlier. I secretly take out my phone and text him.
You: Hey, does that Hwang Hyunjin guy you talked about earlier sing? SeungminTheDark1: I'm not sure SeungminTheDark1: Y? You: I see his name on the board for these choir lessons. SeungminTheDark1: KILL MEEEE
I smirk and laugh a little. "CHANGBIN!" "WHAAAAAT" Ms. Tael gives me a death stare but honestly, I could care less. Jeongin slides a little closer to me and whispers "Why aren't you formal with Ms. Tael? She's going to kill you after this!" Tch. I laugh a little at that "Nah I'm good. We've known each other for a long time" He gives me a look and I shrug it off and start paying attention again.
"Seungmin! Wait up!" I run to Seungmin after singing with Ms. Tael. I wanted to walk with him so the Felix doesn't try to sneak me to him. "What is it Changbin?" "Could I walk with you?" It's so embarrassinggg "Pff I thought you liked to walk by yourself?" "You see... I have something in my life right now and I uhh... Dont want to deal with it right now" I hope that didn't seem too obviouse "Dont you mean-" "SO, Hyunjins in class huh?" His face goes red. Got em. "Y-Yeah... Who am I kidding, I can't have him there!" "Why? You're an excellent singer. Show off a little..." "Gross Changbin! Besides... He's probably better than me..." "If I can't sing, he can't. Boom." "That doesn't mean-" "He might be there for the basics, sure, but he might want to be a rapper maybe." Got em part two hahaaaa! "So... Cool..." what I said was true to me too. I'm only there for the basics. Can't become a rapper without knowing anything. "Do you ever think he'll notice me?" "Hyunjin?" "Yeah... I'm the quiet kid in the back. The loser. No one knows me." "Pff I know you. And I can talk to Hyunjin-" "No! That's okay. If I want to see him I'll have to do it myself. Right? Maybe bump into him and look into his eyes, and say softly, 'mianhae'" This nerd... "Haha, now ur just playin!" "Haha! I know... But I do wonder if I'll ever gain the confidence to actually confront him." "Oh Seungmin! I am so completely sorry for bumping into your muscular shoulder and handsome self. Please, forgive me, and accept me-" "Oh shut up!! Haha!" I smile and look down at my shoes. Felix... wow. I wonder if there's something more to him. A past. To why he likes a student. Or maybe... Maybe he's just using me. That must be it. Haha... I was an idiot to think he'd actually- "isn't that Mr. Lee?" "Huh? Oh shit- Listen, I've gotta go... Good luck with Hyunjin!" "Changbin-!" I run off to a door on the side. Shit. Locked. Damn... At least no one saw where I went. I- I guess I'll wait here for a few minutes. I'll check Instaframe I guess. Oh- A message from Seungmin? Already??
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Pff he sure loves that Hyunjin guy. I wonder if he's known him before... Maybe. Felix... I want to know so much more about you, before we... Actually see eachother. Until we really look in the others eyes and decide, "this is what I want" I don't want to hear any crap... If he's just doing this to me for fun, fuck feelings. I'll hate him. You know what... No. I have to admit I do like him a lot. I know it's not right... But...
"Changbin~" ... "I thought you were going home... Funny how we're both here after school." It wasn't a voice as deep as Felix's... I wonder who it is... "Hello??"
"Hi Binnie~"
— — — I beg of you guys not to kill me. But uhhh I think Changbin has it in for him... Who knows~~~ Me. I know Haha XD Maybe I won't be harsh on you guys... ??? 🎟 ((I might be doing more "instaframe" edits. Are they okay??))