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My question was again met with silence. I had asked the same question almost five times! I pouted in frustration, wiggling the light in the bot's faceplate. Or.. visor, rather. He didn't flinch, just continued to stare. It was getting a but unnerving. Yet... he didn't seem to mean any harm. Decepticons weren't known to hesitate, unless it concerned their own safety. And despite my powers, a giant Cybertronian didn't have to worry about me too much, unless he really pushed my buttons. He wasn't scared of me, but he didn't seem to be threatening either.

Still, why wasn't he answering? Well, he probably had something to hide, especially if he wouldn't show his faceplate. I groaned in exasperation lowering my phone and flicking on the bedroom light so I could see him better. He flinched only slightly when the light came on, glancing around nervously, not wanting to be seen. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"If you wanna hide, I bet your thin chassis could fit in my basement," I told him sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

He cocked his helm as I spoke, before getting back to his pedes. I took a cautious step back, raising my fists to make sure he knew I was still on my guard. He went rigid, tilting his helm down to me. There was a soundless sigh, his helm now tilting to the sigh, as if he were getting slightly annoyed. He bent over again, extending his thin digits. I froze, but didn't allow myself to become afraid. Just wary. With another inaudible sigh, he lifted his servo and patted me on the head. My arms fell limply at my sides in shock. He patted my head a few more times before he cocked his helm again, his gaze looking out my door.

"Where... where is the basement?" I guessed.

I brightened as he nodded once in conformation. He didn't seem so bad. Maybe he was just.. looking for a home?

Aw, come on, Kia. Don't be stupid. He's totally spying on you

But so far, I didn't know why. I knew it couldn't be anything good, I mean, come on, he was spying on me. Though, for some reason, he wasn't threatening me, or putting any kind of risk on the Autobots. He was just... hanging. As long as he was going to hurt us..

Plus, I could always put a few dings in him if he tries anything.

I gave him a real grin. "Alright, wait there." I turned as he nodded his thin helm and rushed out the door, speeding through my house and swinging the front door open. There he was, kneeled over at my window, his arm reaching out. His body swerved as I approached and he knelt over again. I waved enthusiastically at him, hoping to assure that it was fine. As long as he was fine. He bent over again, so low if I leaned forward, I could nuzzle his visor with my nose.

Wait, why would I want to do THAT?!

"Follow me," I instructed calmly, waving for him to keep up. "The entrance is this way."

He straightened, though not all the way, still wary of prying eyes. He didn't need to worry about prying ears; he was so silent a cat wouldn't even hear him coming.

"Aw, don't worry. This neighborhood only has a few houses, and they're pretty stretched out."

As we rounded the corner, he cocked his helm in question.

"Let's just say I like my privacy," I explained.

This is more like having a conversation with myself, I thought grimly.

When we reached the garage door, I quickly threw it open and pointed inside. "If we go thru the garage, we get to the door to the basement."

He followed silently and without a reply, hunched over in the garage as he stalked through. When I opened the door, my mouth formed into a slight "oh" in realization. I hadn't thought about how he would get in  through the door. He was way too large for that, despite his small stature. I looked up at him apologetically, shrugging my shoulders. He gaze fell on me, then the door, then to me again. He sighed soundlessly again, his helm tilting in exasperation, making me giggle. He reached down and pushed me aside gently with his servo, standing a slight bit straighter. Arms extended, he took the doorway with his digits and with hardly any effort tore the wall apart. I gasped and threw my arms in front of my face, but I was only met with dust. I peeked out from behind my extended limbs and saw that he had done it so precisely, that the debris had fallen into the basement harmlessly. I coughed and blinked the dust out of my eyes, glancing up at the Decepticon. He merely kept looking ahead, raising his pede and taking a step down the stairs.

"Careful," I warned as he took his other pede to another stair, hearing the wood groan in protest.

He turned his helm back to me, a split second before the stairs gave way and he went tumbling down. It was only about ten feet or so, which for him was probably a very small distance. However, the falling wood and motion was enough to trip him and send him flying forward. He landed with a loud thud on his faceplate, his arms hitting the ground just after.

"Shhh!" I scolded, but burst out laughing a second later. I couldn't help myself; it looked so funny. He looked up at me, his helm lazy, and I swore he was pouting behind the visor.

He actually looked kind of cute, laying there so helplessly. I looked at my feet and realized I couldn't get down there without jumping. I sighed, wiping tears from my eyes.

"Well, now I can't get down!" I joked with another laugh.

He turned and sat up, crossing his legs like a lazy cat. He raised his servo and laid his palm out flat. I blinked in surprise, realizing that he was offering help for me. I shrugged my shoulders, grinning, and jumped on his digits. He lowered his servo gently, lifting his palm to help me slide off.

"You sure are a weird Decepticon," I told him as I brushed off imaginary dust from my pants. "Are you even... truly Decepticon? Or are you just pretending?" I finished quietly.

He went nearly completely still, as if processing what I just said. Finally, he turned his helm and looked away. I shrugged again, pretending not to care, and sat down on an old desk. He leaned over and watched me, without saying a word. It was kind of chilling, and I shuffled nervously under his gaze.

Oh, scrap, I realized. He knows about my powers.




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