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He never mentioned my powers. In fact, for the next few weeks, he didn't mention anything. He never said a word. His "talking" would either be motions with his body, only some of which I could read, strange emojis or digital pictures on his visor, or recordings. And whatever he "said" would always be a reply to whatever I was talking about.

Yes, I talked to him. I actually talked to him a lot. I didn't even know what his name was, but I spoke to him like we were old friends. It felt nice, him listening to me. It felt similar to when I talked to Ratchet; I felt comfortable and protected. Yet, at the same time, it was different. I felt the urge to tell him everything, even my powers and my past. Despite being a Decepticon, he didn't seem like the type to judge, even silently.

I went to him everyday now, or, every night really. I spent my days with work, life, and the Autobots and kids. The light hours would be with them. I loved them so much; they were the only family I had. Talking to Ratchet, watching him work, playing with the kids, all of it was precious. But I was always excited when I came home, when the darkness of the night had arrived, because as soon as I polished off a small dinner, I would go see him. He was always there, sitting, waiting. I never knew what he did during the day; I figured he wasn't at my house the whole time. But he always brought a smile to my face as he looked at me behind his visor. Sometimes he would wave; sometimes he would just cock his helm like a dog. Either way, it was cute. I hadn't known a Con could be so adorable, kind, and clumsy.

And a great listener.

"Hey," I said one night, after going on about something I had read about a long time ago. "Do you ever wonder if you could somehow change the past?"

He had been looking straight ahead as I spoke, but now his helm turned to look at me. He was silent, per the norm, but a digital question mark fell upon his visor.

It almost made me giggle like a little girl. "My past wasn't a very good one. I basically had no childhood; all I ever knew was darkness, needles, and training." My heart started to patter in my chest as I began to remember.

As the silence continued for the next few moments, he bent over slightly, indicating that he was listening. I chuckled lightly, but my mood has fallen.

"I was... experimented on my entire life," I muttered. "Why do you think I have these curses in my body?" I asked sarcastically, bringing up the whole 'power' thing again.

He cocked his helm, seeming apologetic. I sighed, frustratedly wiping away the tears that were forming in my eyes. Looking at him would make me cry more right now, so I looked away. I felt his metal gears grind and felt the floor rattle as he moved. My breath hitched, feeling something on my head. When I glanced back up, I saw that the Con was patting me, pausing every now and then, but still patting me. My cheeks flushed in embarrassment and surprise.

"Are you.. comforting me?" I asked with a tiny laugh.

He paused again, before nodding and brushing me hair gently. My face turned even more red, but I smiled cheerfully. I brought my hand up and patted his servo.

"Thanks!" I beamed. "You're pretty weird for a Decepticon. Are those guys really your friends?"

He froze again, taking his servo back. His helm turned away and he hugged his knee plates. My eyes widened in surprise. He looked so.. vulnerable. Afraid. Hurt. Like me. It made me wonder what he was going through.

I stood up, walking over to his pede and patting it gently. "Hey, it's okay. We all have stuff.. we'd rather not talk about." I looked off into the distance, thinking. "Those people.. they had another girl. She was there before I was. She knew what I was going through. I thought... she would want to be friends with me. I wanted to be friends with her... but it turns out she thought differently." I sighed, sitting back down. "The only friends I have are the Autobots. And you."

He seemed to jump at this, looking down at me. In his position, he looked pretty adorable, even though his faceplate was hidden by a visor. I smiled, cheering up again. He really was a nice guy... what could be so bad about him?


I know, this was a VERY short chapter. I'm sorry. I didn't know how to continue this one. I know what to with the rest of them, but I unfortunately could not extend this one any more.

Thanks for reading!!

Infinitywriter2000 I hope you like it!

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