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"So.." I trailed off from my bed. I looked up to see Namjoon still looking down at his laptop. "How was your visit at home?" It was so quiet now days. The rest of the guys were still kinda mad at Jimin, I on the other hand didn't know how to feel anymore. Jimin-ssi had a point, Namjoon was acting a little weird.

"It was fine," he sighed, continuing to type away at his computer.

"How's Gyeongmin? Did she ever resolve her boy problems?"

"Yea, she's fine too, Tae."

"Uh huh," I hummed weighing the response in my head. "What about Rap Mon-".

He slammed his laptop shut looking over at me with an annoyed expression. "Alright, Tae what is it?"


"Why are you interrogating me all of a sudden?" I blinked repeatedly, trying to find my words. "I don't know what's gotten into all of you, suddenly you all want to keep tabs on me."

"Uh.."It was unlike hyung to lash out like this; but then again we've all been a bit on edge lately.

"Really? You have nothing to say?"

"I- I'm sorry, hyung,"I breathed, looking down in disappointment. He has a lot on his plate with writing songs and being in charge of all of us. The least we could do was have a little faith in him.

He let out a deep sigh and when I looked back up at him, he was rubbing his eyes. "No, I-I didn't mean to go off on you. I've just been really stressed. Ya know with Jimin being so inquisitive lately, I've just been more stressed than usual."

"I-It's okay. I should...go. I haven't messed with Jungkook yet today." I shuffled quickly out the door before he could protest.


"Wait, what happened?"Kookie asked pausing his video game.

"He just blew up, I didn't know what to do...so I just left." He shook his head, brushing his hair back with his hand.


"I know, I'm being a baby by coming here just to complain instead of talking it out."

"Well, yeah, but that's not what I was gonna say." I looked over to him, confused.

"Look I get that you're worried, we all are. But you're his roommate. You two are together more than the rest of us. That's his free time, when he's in his space when he's there. And he's been really  stressed lately with the comeback coming soon and he's still behind on some songs for the album. Not to mention we still have fittings and photo shoots and choreography to learn, it's just a lot." I sighed.

"I know."

"Now I'm sure he knows you didn't mean anything by it, I mean you two are close. He wouldn't just shut you out." I turned his words over in my head. Now that I think about it, Namjoon wasn't really mad. He was sorry even before I'd ran out.

"You're right. Maybe I should go back then, he'll feel bad if I'm gone for too long."

"You do that,"Jungkook added. "Hey but before you go..can you do me a favor? I did just give you some really good advice..."

"I'm not getting you banana milk."

"Oh come on."

After some convincing, and a short trip to the kitchen, I was finally walking back towards my room. "I just feel bad. I mean I know he didn't mean any harm by it, but there's just so much going on right now." My ears perked at the sound of my hyung in the phone.

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