Chapter 2

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Katie Gardner was crouched down in the strawberry fields, per usual, on a perfect, sunny day, when her life was ruined. (Her thoughts, not mine.) Sounds cheery, right?

In an light green tank top and worn out jean shorts, she was comfortable in the dirt. Apollo decided to be nice that day, not too hot, not too cold. Miranda was a couple rows away, chatting with Pollux (it was so obvious they should be dating) and Leila, their newest sister, was experimenting with the plants, still getting a hold of her powers. Oliver was laughing with a couple nymphs who lived in the nearby trees. The rest of her cabin was scattered throughout the field.

Katie smiled when Leila managed to completely restore one of the dying plants, and called out good job. Leila smiled back, showing off her missing tooth and turned back around, blonde pigtails swinging.

And then a shadow came over her, causing Katie to look up in annoyance. There was only one person stupid enough to bother Katie in the field. Three guesses who. Really, you only need one.

Travis Stoll loomed over the fairly irritated demigoddess , with a cheeky smile pressed on his face. Katie scowled and and picked herself of the ground, brushing dirt off her shorts and mile-long legs.

He barley opened his mouth when Katie cut him off with a swift "No."

Travis starred at her. "You don't even know what I'm going to say."

She rolled her eyes and blew her bangs off her forehead. "Doesn't matter. You were going to say it. Therefore, I don't want to hear."

"C'mon, Kit Kat. You know you want to hear it," he coaxed.

"Don't call me Kit Kat," Katie snapped. She started walking away with her basket of strawberries. She was almost at the edge of the field when Travis called out something she just couldn't resist.

"If you just listen, I won't prank your cabin for a month!"

She stopped in her tracks and slowly spun on her heels. Travis was jogging towards her with a victorious grin on his face. "What?"

"I said, if you listen to what I have to offer, I won't prank your cabin for a month."

Katie narrowed her eyes, scanning Travis up and down. She knew when he was lying and this was not one of those times. Not that she had watched him so much she learned to read his body language! Why would you say that?!


Katie sighed, shifting her basket to her other arm. "What kind of a deal are we talking about?"

Travis grinned, knowing her had her sold. "We go out."

Those the simple words made Katie freeze and stare at Travis like he had grown ten feet and turned into an empousa.

"I think your presence here is effecting mt brain. What did you just say?!"

"You and me go out." Travis put in a pause for effect, because he's Travis and he can do that. "Fake, of course."

"Why on Olympus would you want me to do that?" Katie spit out.

"Uh. I knew you'd ask this," Travis muttered under his breath. "You remember my ex, Lizzie?"

Katie blinked. Did she remember Elizabeth? Of choose she did! More than she ever wanted to. But she just nodded.

"Weeeelllll... I kinda made a bet that I could get her back by making her jealous."

"And you need me for...?"

Travis stared at her like it was obvious. "Have you not noticed that your drop dead gorgeous?"

Katie flushed as red as the strawberries in her basket. She rolled her eyes. "Why not ask someone more 'your type'?"

"'Cause this'll be funner!"

"I don't-"

"I'll throw in to do your chores for a week."

Katie hesitated. "And a free lunch."


"Then I guess we have a deal," Travis said, smirking.

Katie decided it was better not to mention she had 'dish duty' for sneaking out with Lou Ellen last week.

"Alright, in a couple days, I'm bringing you to hang out with Connor, Will, and our mortal friends. Chiron lets us go once a week and Will is my neighbor," Travis tacked on, seeing, Katie's questioning look.

"I never said-"

"See ya, girlfriend," he called to her, already heading back to his cabin.

Katie blushed again, watching as Miranda's head slowly turned towards her, a huge grin taking over her face.

Impossible? I Think Not: A Tratie storyWhere stories live. Discover now