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post-panic attack/stressful event cuddles (2)

Scott grabs the arm of Mitch's Evo suit and pulls him through the open door, punching the close button as soon as they're both clear. He spins Mitch to face him, studying the cracks in his visor and then his face with concern. His eyes are wide with shock, but it doesn't look like his oxygen levels are low; his lips are pink, his face flushed with colour.

"Hey hey, we're in, you're good, it's okay. It's gonna be okay."

Mitch nods in response, closing his eyes until a sharp electronic beep sounds to indicate that the airlock is pressurised. They pull off their helmets and extract themselves from their bulky suits with trembling hands, fingers fumbling over the clasps.

Scott steadies himself against the nearest bulkhead to look out the airlock window. The starfield isn't spinning anymore. It's a good sign.

"God, I hope that worked," Mitch says, echoing Scott's thoughts.

"Let's find out," he replies.

They move through into the next module and stare at the control panel. Mitch flexes his fingers, frowning. "Cold hands," he mutters, apologetically.

"It's okay. Take your time." Scott doesn't voice the rest of his thoughts. It either worked or it didn't. If it did, the power relay is back up. If it didn't... well, they'll run out of oxygen before help can arrive and that's if they don't freeze to death first.

Mitch types a sequence of commands into the terminal and watches the readout with a tense expression. A string of incomprehensible text spills down the screen and then stops, leaving a single cursor blinking. With his heart thumping loudly in his chest, Scott seeks Mitch's hand with his own. They wait.

Mitch whoops as the station whirs, clicks and beeps back to life. The lights flicker and switch from emergency mode to their daylight setting and a warm breeze blows as life support starts to re-establish habitable conditions.

Scott lets out a breath he didn't realise he was holding, still gripping Mitch's hand tightly in his own. The words 'Primary systems enabled' confirm what he can hear and see and a wave of relief washes through him.

Mitch tugs Scott towards him, folding almost reflexly into his arms, trembling as the adrenaline dissipates. He did it. They're safe.

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