Impractical magic

425 35 6

One has an embarrassing secret that the other discovers

The first time it happens, Scott's drunk enough to shrug off his abrupt change in location with little more than a startled blink. And, much to Mitch's relief, the low light of the cinema seems to cover the sudden appearance from anyone else. Mitch sighs. He really thought he had more control than this - he's not accidentally summoned anyone since that embarrassing spell in 3rd grade.

He's always prided himself on the fact that he has more control than most. He recalls laughing smugly at Kirstie's involuntary weather display last week with contrition. The poor guy at the customer service desk had been remarkably understanding about the small (but productive) thundercloud that materialised above his head, but Karma's a fucking bitch, apparently. She also seems to have teamed up with his subconscious, because it takes a hell of a lot more than a "crush" to summon a person.

When the lights go up, Mitch's date is understandably perplexed to find some other dude half draped across Mitch, snoring softly on his shoulder, but helps Mitch get him home without much complaint. He's less impressed when Scott suddenly appears on the next date that Mitch didn't know how to say no to. Though it's probably the fully clothed Scott, dunked without warning into a swimming pool, that most deserves an explanation. But what the hell is Mitch supposed to say? "Hi there, I know this is super creepy, but my magic wants us to be together?"

Subsequent summonings reveal a less and less surprised Scott, who despite lack of explanation, seems more than willing to roll with his sudden and unexpected changes in location. Mitch finally comes clean on a Sunday morning a few weeks later, when Scott appears on his balcony, two coffee cups in hand and a happy, if slightly smug, expression on his face.

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