End Of School Day

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Geno's POV:

I stormed off after he helped me up.



I kept thinking about those things until I opened the door that leads to my next class, which is Religion.

Our teacher, Ms. Cruz looked at me and said, "Oh Geno, you're just in time, please take your seat."

I nodded slowly and walked to to the vacant seat I saw which is luckily, in the last row and next to the window.

I sat down and took out my notebook and pen.

I lowered my head and listened to the teacher.

As I was listening, I was thinking about the possible things why Reaper wouldn't leave me alone.

My thoughts went abrupt when the scene that happened a minute ago went to my mind.

My face suddenly felt hot.


I tried mentally slapping myself but it just couldn't get out of my mind.

I was lost in thought that I didn't know Ms. Cruz was calling my name.

"Geno?" She asked softly.

I snapped out of it and I asked, "Yes?"

"Are you ok? Why is your face heating up? Do you have a fever?" She asked, her voice filled with concern.

That's when I just realized... MY FACE IS BLUSHING AS HECK!!!

I quickly shook my head and quickly answered, "No Ma'am, I'm not sick, it just happens to me sometimes."

Ms. Cruz gave me a disbelief look but nodded anyway and continued discussing the lesson.

I lowered my head more and looked the other side. This is just so frustrating!!!

----Time Skip Brought To You By The Lazy Author-------------

It's the end of the day and I'm relieved that this day is over.

I quickly went my way to the schoolgates and crossed the road.

I'm actually scared of crossing the roads but when you have some random people crossing the streets, I'm just following them and then I'm going to my separate way.

My house is just a few blocks away at school so it's one of the good signs that I won't be late at school.

As I was walking, I felt like something....or someone...is following me...

I stayed silent for a while until I whipped my head behind me.

And just as I was expecting...that someone who is following me is none other than...Reaper.

Reaper's POV:

Papyrus told me that he had already went home because there is no practice in cheerleading.

I sighed and put my phone back to my pockets.

Guess I'll be going home by myself then.

I told the gang that I'll be going home instead of staying for a while.

I crossed the street and started walking to the right street.

You might not know this but I also love to walk so I'm just going to walk to my house instead of floating.

As I was walking, I noticed Geno in front of me walking.

Huh. I didn't know he also lived in this street.

I decided to walk quietly so he won't notice me.

But it looks like he has 'ears' like an elephant he whipped and noticed me.

He growled "Can't you at least leave me alone for at least 1 second?!"

I shrugged.

He rolled his eye and walked away again.

I started walking too.

Well, I'm a fast walker so I kept my pace with Geno.

He looked at me for a second and looked to the other side.

I chuckled and shook my head and walked.


It seems that Geno got a little creeped out with the tension of silence so he decided talk.

"Why are you walking home with me?" Geno asked annoyingly.

"Oh I don't know. I mean it could be due to the fact that this is where I live." I casually said.

Geno gave me a disbelief look and I just shrugged in response.

I finally stopped to my house and knocked on the door for Papyrus to know that I'm home.

I looked back to see Geno just standing there.

I tilted my head slightly.

"Aren't you gonna go home or...?" I asked.

It looked like he was in some sort of trance because he shook his head rapidly and looked away, blushing.

"Uh, y-yeah!! I'm going home now." Geno stuttered.

I snickered.

He's so cute.

He walked away and it looked like he stopped at the 5th house.

Huh. I didn't know he lived 5 houses away.


Papyrus opened the door and I casually said "Hi!"

Papyrus hugged me as the usual and pulled me inside.

"Sorry for not walking with you home!" He said, looking down.

"It's ok Paps. I understand." I replied.

He smiled and went to the kitchen. It looks like he's cooking dinner.

Oh well. I sat on the couch and pulled out my books.

I just have to make my homeworks while i wait for dinner.

Huh. I wonder how Geno is doing...

Geno's POV:

I unlocked the door and went inside.

Well. It's quiet as the usual.

I went to the living room and saw Frisk reading a book.

They saw me and stood up.

"Oh, welcome back!" They said, walked towards me and hugged me as the usual.

I patted them on the head.

"Let's go and eat, waiting for you makes me hungry!" They said, unhugging me now.

I rolled my eye in a good way and we went to the kitchen.

Welp. Time to eat now.
Sorry if this chapter doesn't have much effort!!!

And by the way, I'm gonna make another story so that you won't get bored in this only one story that I made.

So, see ya guys in the next chapter and also see ya guys in the other book that I am about to publish!!!


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