Chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to someone random :)

“...To youuuuuuuu” They finished singing the song, and everyone clapped. I look over at Lottie who is looking so happy. She hasn’t seen Louis in a few months. “Thank you!” And they walk off behind the stage. The music starts again, and thankfully no one chases after them. Lottie’s phone buzzes and I look over her shoulder.



We run inside my house, and then to the garage where we see One Direction. I look behind me and see that Gemma is trailing behind. “LOU!” Lottie screams and runs into her brother’s arms. “HAZ!” Gemma screams and runs into her brother’s arms. Me? I just stand there. “CASS!” Niall, Liam and Zayn scream, running to me. I laugh and give them all a big hug at the same time. “We missed you!” I laugh. “Missed me? I’m just Lottie’s best friend!” I reply. “Which makes you OUR best friend!” Niall exclaims. The move to the side and Louis and Harry come over and give me a big bear hug. “We missed you too Cass.” The rest of the boys are hugging Gemma and Lottie. When they pull apart I smile at all of them. “I missed you too.” I can feel the tears coming on. Holy poo no. I smile, and notice all the boys starring at me. “What?” I ask. “ just look...” Liam starts and Harry finishes. “Different.” I feel myself blush. “Well I haven’t seen you guys in almost a year.” I say. Niall shrugs. “You are 16 now. Things have changed.” I discreetly look down at my cleavage. Yup. Definitely changed there. The last time I saw the boys, I was a flat-chested pimply-faced girl. And now? Holy poo I’ve changed. “Ay! Boys! Enough staring at Cass’ new best friends, and let’s go back to the party!” Gemma exclaims. I notice that Louis was standing especially close to Gemma, and I give her a little wink, and she sticks her tongue out at me. We are about to leave when I stop them. “My backyard is filled with girls that are IN LOVE with you. Do we really want to go out there?” the bpys from One Direction shake their head. “That’s what I thought...” I say, my voice trailing off. “Okay, time for cake!” I hear my mom scream. Niall’s face lights up. “I’ll grab you guys a piece, and then come back here, and we’ll just go back and forth like that. But without the numerous pieces of cake. The boys stay in my garage and I leave with Lottie and Gemma. I go stand next to my mom, and stare at the cake. Whoa. IT WAS HUGE!” My mom takes some pictures, and then cuts a piece. She passes it to Lottie, then another one to me. We nod, take a bite, and swallow. “YUM!” we scream. A few people laugh. My mom cuts some more pieces. “Mom? Could I have some for the boys?” she nods, and passes me 5 more plates of cake. “WHOA!” I scream and pass 3 to Lottie. Then I ask for one more. My mom nods, and pases me another, and Lottie and I head to the garage. I see that Gemma was already there. Sitting next to Louis. Oo la la! I go around, and pass one to Louis, then Harry, Liam, Zayn, and finally the last 2 to Niall. HE smiles at me, and I see that everyone is sitting with someone. Gemma with Lou, Lottie with Harry, Zayn with Liam...leaving me with Niall. I can hear the music pumping from outside. I kinda wish I was out there...Ugh. This sucks.

"You gonna sit down?" Niall asks looking up at me. I don't know. I put my cake down and just stand there. Outside having the time of my life. Or inside my garage with One Direction. You only turn 16 once...I run out of my garage. I reach my backyard. Forever and Always was playing. Random...I walk through the crowd of people to my trampoline. I see couples kissing and stuff. (okay don't take that the wrong way) I look up at my tree. This isn't what I pictured a sweet 16 exactly....1D in my garage, and a bunch of people I don't know in my backyard. I wish I stayed in the garage. I haven't been gone for long...I could just say that I went to the bathroom or something...I look back up at the tree and remember my tree house. I walk over to the tree. I go behind it, where the ladder thing was hidden. I climb up it. Higher higher...and then I'm in the tree house. Up in the top of the free hidden by the branches. And then White Horse starts to play. I peer through the branches and there are a bunch of people slow dancing. Now I'm sad. A tear rolls down my face. Okay. Get it together Cass. You domt even have a boyfriend. I hear footsteps, and turn around, and see Liam. "May I have this dance?" I laugh, but take his hand. He spins me around, and I put my hands around his neck. His are on my waist. Then he wipes my tear. "Don't cry Cass."  We sway back and forth. We don't say anything. Just Taylor singing. "Happy Birthday." Liam whispers. I smile, and let the rest of the tears fall. "I missed you guys." The song ends, but Liam and I still sway. "We missed you two." Liam says. I smile.

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