Voices That Bring Crewmates

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        The kitchen was very standard. The white, clean counters. The recently cleaned stove. The microwave that sits at the corner. The only thing that's probably different is the red alarm on the counter at the corner. It was to signal a zombie attack or a distress call. It would beep as loud as a voice topped with 3 megaphones.

        "So, Tatsu. What are we going to do about you?" ~Kirdo. I look over at the dining table. 7 people are filling the 8 seats around the table. A bowl of spaghetti in the middle.The people that sat around the table are the only people that Kirdo and I know the most.

        First, there is Roku(First) Wuiner(Last). He is a 18 year old male who sits on the couch all day. His brown hair is always up and about on his head. He never shaves, but he doesn't really need too. We meet him in a gas station one day.

        I was only 14 at the time and I've teamed up with Kirdo for the time being. We were fighting zombies and got hungry so we went to a gas station. Inside was a guy with a gun. He had messy hair and baggy eyes. It's obvious he is a complete mess.

        "Are you guys zombies?" ~Roku.

        "Whoa, chill down man. Put the gun down. We're not zombies." ~Kirdo. He was so calm and collected. He is always like that. Never too immature and never too mature. Just right to be a leader.

        Roku put his gun down and he just went behind the counter.

        "Welcome to HenMountain. How may I help you?" ~Roku. It seems like he worked here before the zombie apocalypse. The shelves were all organized and every food we needed was here. Still, Kirdo felt bad for the guy. He was alone after that day. He survived and probably had to see some gory shit. Roku just looked at me and we nodded at the same time, thinking the same thing.

        "Hey dude. What's you name?"

        "I'm Roku. Roku Wuiner." ~Roku.

        "Okay Roku. I'm Kirdo Porie. My buddy here is Tatsu Kaver. You can call us Kirdo and Tatsu. We don't mind. We just needed some food." ~Kirdo.

        "Food? You have to pay." ~Roku.

        "Pay? I don't have anything on me. You?" ~Kirdo.

        "Nope. Not a cent."

        "Then, you can't get any." ~Roku. A frown goes on my face. Is he serious? At the time, no one needed money. We needed to survive.

        "Roku. There is no need to pay anymore. The world is packed with zombies. We need the food."

        "I'm sorry, but the boss said not to give things for free." ~Roku. I slam my hand on the counter.

        "Where's your boss then?" I look at him straight in his baggy eyes. His dark skin makes is brown eyes more vibrant.

        "He-he's dead." ~Roku. I look at him again. A tear goes down his eye. I back away.

        "Okay then. Sorry to bother you. Let's go Kirdo." Kirdo stood still. He didn't say a word. He looked up and stared into Roku's eyes.

        "Roku, want to join us?" ~Kirdo. I looked at him as if he was crazy.

        Roku just looked up and stared at his eyes. I looked at Kirdo's eyes and saw nothing I've ever seen before. His eyes were full of honesty and bravery. It was as if he was saying, 'You're not alone anymore.' Roku looked around. It was the last time he would see the place. He looked at Kirdo's eyes.

        "Yes." ~Roku. Then, we packed up about a month's supply of food and supplies and headed out with a new companion.

        The others were different. They had a different story that was too long to tell. We met them from all over the land and made a base.

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