Voices That Bring Encounters

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        The main conference room was huge. It was used for planning big missions and private missions. When we plan a private mission, we change the room size and seating to the select amount of people.

        The room now was as small as a bedroom. It had a table in the middle with seats to fill the outside of it and a cart filled with food and water in case we get thirsty or hungry. These meetings usually take a little while for us to plan, depending on what's about.

        Me, Paul, Gike, and Kirdo had a brief silence before we start. It was a sort of thing we do before we start a plan for us to calm down from anything. Kirdo layed a hollo-map on the table and we started to plan.

        "As you know, we will be separated to two groups. Group 1 is Me and Paul. Group 2 is Tatsu and Gike. We all have a communicator and a Roaler signal to get Roalers, so screwing up isn't as bad. These distress calls are both different than the usual. They are both connected somehow, but I don't know how. They had the same location in the videos, but were sent from different places. That means that they were recorded before they were sent and activated at different locations. This could be a trap, but why would anyone want to go against us? I think that the girl has a vital role to this. I've also gained the possibility that she has a partner. The duo might be rebelling, so be careful. We'll get arms and some supplies in case we need it. Everyone clear so far?" ~Kirdo. We nod. Obviously, we are all nervous, but we don't show it. If we show it, we aren't meant to do this. "Good. Now, Tatsu and Gike will go halfway to their location on a Roaler and halfway by foot. Try not to get killed. We need you guys. Me and Paul will go the whole way with a Roaler. The location we are going to is packed with zombies if the video was accurate. If it was shown to be wrong, then we'll need a quick escape. Remember that we don't kill humans, only zombies. If a human resists, capture them and don't kill. I've alerted both the OSF and UC about the risk we're taking and they have agreed to let us go. Knowing the risk, we are going to a dangerous mission outside. Are you ready?" ~Kirdo.

        "Do you really need to ask that question every time we go outside? It's obvious what the answer is." ~Gike. He grins and points up his thumb. "It's a damn yes." ~Gike.

        We nod and point our thumbs too. Kirdo grins.

        "You have a point. Well, go get ready." ~Kirdo. We head to the dressing rooms.

        The mens' dressing rooms are stocked with lockers and benches. Sometimes, fights happen here, but usually we stop it before it gets life-threatening. Stains of blood from the fights are all around us. The lockers get dirty with the blood, so we don't bother to clean it. It doesn't seem to matter anymore.

        "Gike, she had a gun that's unidentified. Do you want to go?"

        "...Yea...I can't let something like a gun hold me down. After all, it was only a pistol. It looked like she had an assault rifle." ~Gike. He grins and starts to give me a noogie.

        "Alright. I get it." These moments only happen before a mission. We have to make sure we are ready to die if that means the other gets saved. The world we got was cruel. I'll never forget what happened before.

        We came equipped with bulletproof armor and some clothes to cover it. We didn't have much, but we had enough. The Roalers we get are suitable for our mission. Mine was a Speedster. It had guns stacked in it's arms and was mostly covered in speed with wheels on it's feet.. It was used for rescue operations and other fast missions.

        Paul and Kirdo were equipped with a Tanker. It was a tank Roaler with guns stacked in every part of it's body with heavy armor. It was used for operations with a chance of a raid of zombies.

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