Capter4: Hard as Hell

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Hey guys! Sorry for the late updates even though I have been blank, and ya I know I havent even started but I am just a really slow person and I have been reading books lately. I wanna do something different so I'm trying my best to make this different.


Joy's POV

So my first day has been going well so far, I guess. I also found out that I have most of my subjects with Sandra seems like she is a creative person too.


At Last! The school bell finally rang to end my day, although; luck is just not by my side today. After lunch finished my Chump decideds to disapear somewhere in the cafeteria. You guys have no idea how I was feeling when I lost him, it felt like losing someone who you cared for so much. My eyes began to tear up in the corners, my heart began to beat real fast trying to escape my rib cage, my hands were sweating nervously and afraid of the possiblities that could happen to him. Just in time to get me out of my pessimistic thoughts, Ali called my name waving his hand infront of my face catching my attention. " Kitten, you okay?-" Before Ali could continue, I felt tears ran down my face. As much as embarrassed I was, a sob came from my mouth, I felt heat urging up to my cheeks. I got up kicking the chair behind me with a loud slam to the ground; I ran from the cafeteria sobbing my heart out. Ya I know a bit dramatic... but I seriously fell in love with that cute chump. Eyes began to blink and staring at my direction, somehow my ears decided to listen to every whisper that was 10km away; my breathing became really heavy as I ran out to the front of the school where no one hanged out at lunch. Figured that out by looking around. Needing breath to survive, my body knelt down infront of a tree, cliche, I know. Trying to calm my self down, a sudden warmth was felt on my arms, it began to go up my arm and down to my hands several times, before it stoped, I was pressed to someone's chest as I began to sob to some stranger who was helding me like I'll disapear ant moment. " Kitten....hey look at me." A rough thump and index finger held up chin up high to look at..... Ali. His eyes carried so much worry, I felt like I can swim and swim but never reach the end.

"Ali....?" I just stood there in his arm, the warmth wrapping me in an envelope. Before I could even say a word, I began sobbing into his hard chest, clenching into his shirt tightning it around his muscles. Ali brought his arms around my head pushing it further unders his chin, while his other hand snacked around my waste. Beyound the bounds, the most unexpected happened. The arms on me began to explore my body like I'm some kind of prize, that he did not want to leave alone. My head snapped straight to meet his eyes as his hand began to crawl over my shirt, I don't know why but I am shitting my self. "Ali? What are you doing? Ali...?" My voice became desperate for him to let go, I know I am crazy, how can I resiste him; but truely, my body was reacting to him while my mind just wanted to run to the hills. A moan came out of my virgin lips, before I could register what was going on Ali smashed his lips onto mine. Pain shot through me as his lips invaded mine hungrily, forgetting everything my mind gave up and began to slowly command my lips to stroke his tongue. A deep, low growl came from Ali's throat as he held me tighter. We began to walk slowly to a dark aisle as I was pushed softly and gently on the brick walls, I began to feel something growing touching my stomach. A gasp left my lips as I recognised what it was, I felt Ali smirk as his mouth sneakly spread several kisses down my neck. "Ah!" I screamed in shock as Ali's teeth bit down just below my earlobe, the pain faded as he began to suck on my neck like some hungry vampire and me as his merciless victom.  

Breaking our intimate moment, Ali drew in a deep, needed breath. "Kitten... this is a dare." The shock on her face was nothing compared to what she was feeling, as if on cue Ali pulled her towards him and hugged her for a long while. I began to cry, my shoulders started to shook- "Kitten, I'm sorry. Can you tell me why you ran off? Please."  I can not believe this arrogant prick, first he plays with my emotion, than says it was a dare, after that he hugs me and then he just asks me the stupid danm question! With a pleading voice too.

Okay, I know I am one hell of a stupid girl, because I actually answered him. "I...I couldnt find Chump." I blushed as I realised how stupid that might have sounded.

Ali let out a chuckle as he put his arm around my shoulder."Kitten, you can defend yourself but cry over a possum-" in addition to stop me from talking, Ali put his finger agaisnt my lips. Without realising it, my tongue licked his finger. Ali let out a chuckle as he looked me straight in the eye, "We can look for him later on, but right now I want you." Ali pulled her head to him lifting it up to reach his lips as he whispered "I want you to be my girlfriend, Joy" 

He said my name, at last!

So how did you like this chapter? Can you guys give me ideas on making this a unique kind of story? And, yes there will be several cliche scenes.

I hope you guys enjoyed this book so far, please VOTE! CMMENT! And pleasee GIVE IDEAS!


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