Chapter 2-Cupcakes

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Copyright 2014

Chapter 2~Cupcakes

Do you ever have those days where you just think ugh life?

Well I for one am having one of those days and I'm not even out of bed yet. Great huh?

"Chastidy! You need to wake up!" My moms voice was distant, she was probably about to leave for work. Maybe I could just stay in bed all day, she might not even find out.

My mom doesn't come home from work until it's quite late so I suppose I would've been at him anyways so I'll be okay.

I closed my eyes after a short debate about what I'm doing today, I'm staying in bed.

Just as I was about to fall into dreamland, I felt my bed dip.

"Oh hun, you just have the best ideas" Wait was I dreaming already? That sounded a lot like...

"Hun it's me I'm back from pariee" She giggled, Yep definitely Kenzie.

"Kenz, she might be asleep" Isaac huffed.

"But I'm back and I wanna miss school to catch up" She whined.

"Well I for one am not missing the first day back" He argued, I was still remaining silent trying to block out their voices.

"But Zachy, don't you wanna spend some quality time with us your most favourite people ever, and we'll go just back tomorrow instead, she can bake us something" She whined. Although that did sound like a great idea.

"Well if she would stop pretending to be asleep then maybe I could stay" Isaac teased, well I guess my dreams of being an actress will not be pursued.

"But guys...sleep and...ugh fine" I cried as I stumbled out of bed.

"Ermm Chas, your clothes" Kenzie mumbled. It didn't register that I was only in booty shorts and a tank top until I saw a blush rise to Isaac's cheeks.

I'd be lying if I said this wasn't an awkward and embarrassing experience for me.

My shorts were really short and my top barely covered me, this shouldn't bother me but I wasn't body confident, so it did. My guess is that it's mainly because of how my mom told me to dress whilst in company.

She cared a lot about appearance and reputation, I didn't as much as her but I knew she would not be proud of me and how I was dressed right now.


I awkwardly smiled at them both before rushing to my walk-in-closet.

I grabbed a white off the shoulder dress and a pair of zig zagged wedges. I kept my makeup sort of simple and left my hair down after brushing it through.

"Chas, make me waffles or something" Kenzie shouted.

"Chas, I'm your best friend and I'm pmsing so make me some damn waffles biatch!" Isaac squealed in a really high pitch voice that sounded nothing like Kenzie, but was funny nonetheless.

"Isaac!" She warned.

I decided at the moment that it was probably best for me to leave my walk-in-closet and be a referee for my best friends.

"Chassy babe, I really am pmsing now, I'm have pissed at men syndrome all thanks to a beautiful, gorgeous, sexy Italian gentleman, who I for one am glad that God blessed me so I could know him" He continued, by now Kenzie was enraged whilst I was on the floor crying.

"Zachy poo, stop" I managed.

"Chas, just get in the kitchen and make me some damn waffles" Kenzie instructed.

"Ooh feisty, I like it" I winked giggling.

"Can you make chocolate pancakes too?" Isaac asked after wrapping his arms around my small frame.

"I guess but only because it's you" I smiled. He imitated me showing off his dimples.

"I'm sorry to break up the lovely dovey shit but I'm hungry, I require a date with food" Kenzie laughed pulling Isaacs arms from around my waist then me away from him. "What have I told you about this Arcaro, she's mine"

"Must have forgot Huntley, why do you insist on not sharing?" He asked, though it was rhetorical because before she could even answer he continued to make his point. "Sharing is caring, but if you don't want to then Chas is mine"


After a pillow fight that I proudly initiated we made our way down stairs and we're currently in the kitchen eating.

Like promised I made Kenzie blueberry waffles, Isaac chocolate pancakes and myself red velvet cupcakes.

What better way to start the day than with red velvet.

I had just started on my second cupcake when I heard shouting, a series of crashes and vans pulling up outside.

"Did you--" I started but I was soon cut off by my best friends' chorus.


"Should we--" I begun but once again I was cut off.

"Investigate, yeah we should" Kenzie continued.


After agreeing to investigate, we went up to our old den, my attic. We grabbed camouflage paint and wiped it across our faces, we also grabbed three walkie-talkies, before going back into the kitchen.

We stealthily crawled along my carpets into the living room.

We should be ninjas!

I slowly stood up making sure the curtain was hiding me from view.

"Agent Valentine do you see anything? Over" Kenz asked.

"Agent Huntley, I do not see anything in my current line of view. Over" I whispered back.

"Agent Arcaro, check the other window. Over." She instructed still whispering.

"Sir yes sir!" He whispered earning a glare from the blonde bombshell.

"Agent Huntley check through the looking hole on the front door. Over." I whispered, we could not afford an argument from those two right now.

This is an important mission.

"Agent Valentine, agent Arcaro, I see moving vans. Over." She whispered.

"Agents K and C, I see a couple around the age of late fourties. Over." He informed us.

"Agent Huntley, Agent Arcaro. I see that we have new neighbours" I whispered.

This could be bad.

A/N Thank you all so much for the comments, votes and even just views.

It means so much to me to hear positive feedback about something that I'm working on.

I apologise for slow updates but like I said in the last A/N I have ALOT going on that I need to deal with, and unfortunately it takes priority over writing.

Please continue to message me, vote and comment.

If you want to be a character in my story just message me details such as

Role you would like (I can't promise this one sorry)

Please also message me possible relationship problems and Ms.Matchmaker can help you out with those.

I also would like suggestions for a cast list.

If you want private advice email .

Again thank you all so so much I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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