First Impressions

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"It's Jokers," Clark said once they arrived at what was called the BatCave.
"So?" Kara asked.
"Joker is similar to Your Lex Luthor," Bruce said.
"He's rich, and holds kryptonite!" Kara exclaimed causing the boy, who was called NightWing, to let out a snort.
"No. The old fool doesn't have the brain power for that," he said.
Kara glared at the boy, "Well I've never met the man in my life, now have I?"
Nightwing blinked and furrowed his brows in an accusing me way.
"What do you mean! He-"
"Dick," Bruce warned.
Kara raised an eyebrow, "Dick? That's your name?"
Dick crossed his arms as Clark and Bruce went ahead towards a large computer.
"No. It's Richard. Dick is my nickname," he said.
Kara snorted receiving a glare from Dick.
"I'm calling you Dick 100%," she smiled.
"Oh ha ha. Look at your name," Dick said, "what type of name is Kara?"
Kara looked at the boy and crossed her arms across her chest.
"A very respected and special name! Better than Richard, and Dick!" She snapped.
"Whatever goldie locks," Dick said.
"Are you two done?!" Clark asked from ahead.
The two glared at each other before walking to Bruce and Clark.
"It's one of Jokers bombs. Your lucky you found it," Bruce said.
"Why?" Kara asked.
"Because it means Joker left Gotham. And he never leaves Gotham, unless he's striking a deal or on a job for someone," Dick said like it was obvious.
"Dicks Correct. And he went to Metropolis. I can only think of one bad guy that he would want to have a communication with," Bruce said taking off his mask.
Dick looked at Bruce in shock until the older man turned to him.
"You can take your suit off. And I think it's best if you two," He turned to Clark and Kara, "stay here for a few days,"
"Your kidding right?" Dick asked.
Bruce looked at him his face blank.
"Oh my lord your not! They are aliens!" Dick said.
Kara narrowed her eyes and her body stiffened. Clark noticed and he rested a hand on her shoulder and whispered, "we're just in his territory. He's like this,"
"They can fly back home and be here in a second!" Dick protested.
"If you want us to go you could've spoke to our faces instead of acting like we aren't RIGHT HERE!" Kara said annoyed.
Dick turned to her and scowled, "shut up Goldie Locks,"
Kara mirrored the scowl, "we came to your city for help! The least you could do was be thankful that someone bothered to ask for YOUR help. We could've been fine with just Bruce!" She spat ignoring her cousin speaking her name.
"It's Joker! He's like an ant to you! Why come to humans when you guys are considered as gods!" Dick said, "and I should be thankful? You should be thankful to me and Bruce! With out us you would've-"
"DICK THATS ENOUGH!" Bruce yelled the moment Clark had sent the man a warning look.
"If you know so much about Joker why haven't you caught him yet?" Kara sneered coldly.
"Kara!" Clark yelled
Dick launched at the girl and she didn't flinch. Bruce grabbed him and pulled him back.
"Richard Grayson!" Bruce scolded "Go to your room until we have trouble stirring in the city!"
"Kara. Go back home." Clark growled.
"No. You two are staying here. If Joker is involved your best off here," Bruce said ignoring Dicks growl.
"Are you sure?" Clark asked his blue eyes turning to Dick.
"Positive. Dick is just cranky. We were up late last night," Bruce said.
"I am-"
"Dick!" Bruce scolded.
"Listen to your elders Richard," Kara taunted.
Dick glared at her and he turned and stormed over to the elevator.
"Kara Zor El," Clark growled after Dick had left, "fetch your clothes and ask Alfred to show you your room. You will not come back down here. Understood?"
Kara looked at her cousin who held a stern face.
"Yeah whatever," she said and then flew out.
The two adults paused and then sighed.
"Last time I saw Dick he was wearing a different suit," Clark said.
"He changed it up. Doesn't want to be Batman. He's Nightwing now. I'm proud of the kid," Bruce said, a small smile appearing on his face.
"He's your son. And I am in debt to the kid," Clark said.
"Does Kara know. Anything that happened when she landed in Gotham Bay?" Bruce asked.
"She knows she landed here. She remembers running through the streets, cops chasing her, and being in an ally as her powers activated knocking her out," Clark informed, "I'm not sure if she remembers anything else..."
"She doesn't remember Joker? Or Robin?" Bruce asked leading the man towards the elevator.
"Not that I know of. She might. She just may not realize who it is," Clark suggested.
"Hmm...going to grab some clothes? I still have your room set up from your last visit," Bruce explained as they exited into a large manor.
"Thank you Bruce. I do appreciate it," Clark said.
Bruce just nodded as the man flew out.
"Master Bruce. Master Richard and Lady Kara have been put into their rooms," A man with gray hair and mustache, with a butler outfit said.
"Thank you Alfred. Get Clark's room ready as well..." Bruce said. He then paused before looking at him, "are their rooms next to each other?"
Alfred nodded and Bruce let out a light laugh.
"Oh boy. Wait till they figure that out,"
"Figure what out?" Clark asked coming in. He wore a brown leather jacket, a yellow shirt and jeans, along with black sport shoes and glasses.
"Your cousin and my son have rooms next to each other," Bruce explained.
Clark blinked before breathing out, "oh boy,"
The three adults stayed silent and Clark raised his hand. He counted down from three.
"YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME!?" Dick's voice echoed.
"SERIOUSLY!" Kara's annoyed yell followed.
Bruce looked at Clark with a smug look.
"I think they found out,"

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