Love or Hate

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"Go away," Kara's voice said. It was shaken and broken.
Dick sighed and knocked again.
"I said go away Clark!" Kara yelled.
"It's not Clark," Dick said.
Silence. Then the door opened and revealed Kara who had changed but had puffy eyes. Dick gasped.
"Why are YOU here?" Kara asked.
"I came to make sure you were okay," Dick said.
Kara hesitated before stepping away from the door. Dick walked in and watched as Kara locked the door and then sat down in her bed. A silence fell over the two but then it broke.
"Did Clark send you here?" Kara said bitterly
"No, he didn't," Dick replied.
"No one sent me here!" Dick yelled.
He then closed his eyes and then opened them again taking a breath, "I came here on my own,"
"Why?" Kara asked finally looking at the boy.
"Cause..." Dick trailed off. He didn't know how to explain. Heck he didn't want to explain.
"Did your big head want to come and make sure the damsel in distress is alright?" Kara spat.
"No," Dick sighed, "I came because.."
"Because?" Kara asked.
"It's confusing.." Dick said.
Kara scoffed and the glared at Dick, "so in other words someone sent here, or your just checking on me because its your job!"
Dick narrowed his eyes, "That's not true!"
"Then why dont you just explain!" Kara yelled.
"Because your being a stubborn brat!!" Dick shot back
Kara clicked. She was pushed to her limit.
"Stop LYING to me!" Kara yelled.
Dick stayed silent and his gaze softened.
"What do you mean?" Dick asked.
"You argue with me every chance you get! You only come to me if you've been told, or if I'm your responsibility!" Kara sneered, "YOU and CLARK are the WORST people EVER!"
"Kara...please..that's not true.." Dick said, "just let me try to explain!"
"Explain what?!" Kara said,
"Why I'm here?!" Dick said loudly.
"You dont even CARE Dick!" Kara said, "why would i let you try to help me?!"
"why'd you let me inside our room!" Dick shot back.
Kara went silent. She dropped her gaze and her muscles stiffened. Dick let out a sigh and walked over to Kara and sat down beside her.
"I came because something in my heart, wanted to know if you were okay. It's the same thing that happened when you were in the alley," Dick said honestly.
Kara looked at the boy who was staring at the ground. His messy black hair had a few stands over his green eyes, that were calm. They made her feel warm and fuzzy. His voice..oh god his voice..was the most confusing. It was soft and filed with emotion. But not the anger that the two exchanged. Compassion.
"D-Dick..."Kara said.
"I dont know why Kara...but you have done something to me..."Dick laughed.
Kara broke into a smile and then it dropped. She looked at the ground before looking back up.
"Can I trust you?" She asked
"What?" Dick said
"Can I trust you?" Kara repeated
Dick furrowed his brows but nodded and Kara bit her lip.
"Promise me Richard. That no one, and I mean no one will hear about the following," Kara said.
"Promise me,"
Kara looked at the boy with pleading eyes on the verge of tears,
"I promise," Dick said taking her hand and squeezing it gently. Kara's muscles relaxed at the motion and she mentally smiled at how comfortable her hand felt in his.
"Okay...I remember. Everything," Kara said.
"Everything?" Dick questioned.
"When I landed I didn't remember anything but my language, the Phantom Zone and...and my parents.."Kara said.
Dick squeezed her hand a little more as her voice broke.
"You can talk Kara. Tell me everything."
"When I saw Joker I went back to the nightmare I had and the flashback when i found the piece of metal," Kara started, "it triggered my brain. Everything flooded back. Everything of my old life. Everything that happened the night I crashed. Even my pod entering the Phantom Zone,"
"Tell me about your last days," Dick said.
"I remember my mother explain how my uncle, Jor El, Clarks father, was sending my baby cousin to Earth. She then put me in the pod and shut the hatch," Kara said her eyes turned wistful but her voice started to shake, "she explained my mission...on how I was to raise him...but none of that happened."
"My Father was telling me goodbye until a huge rumbling filled the launch chamber. MY parents said their last words and then launched the pod, with me screaming their names," Kara said as tears started to roll down her face. She then broke and sobbed, "then there was that light. That awful light..the explosion...watching it, then getting knocked of course, watched my cousin fly away, and my home in ashes.."
Kara started crying and Dick rubbed circles on her back, "it's okay.."
"I failed my mission. I failed m parents. I couldn't even let the die without me failing them!" Kara cried breaking into uncontrollable sobs.
Dick grabbed Kara and pulled her into his chest while his mind processed everything. The girl swung her arms around his neck and cried into the boys shoulder while he rocked back and forth. But in Dick's mine he wanted to yell at her. For being stupid and overreacting. But he had a strong feeling of something else. An attraction. And as she felt Kara grip him tighter he knew she felt it too.
Maybe it was the hate. Or maybe it was something else. He didn't know. But he did know that he would be different. He would be himself. He would show Kara who he was. He would be there for her.
"Let it out, Princess.."Dick said and rubbed Kara's back. Kara soon stopped crying and Dick's shoulder was wet from her tears but he didn't care.
"I'm sorry..about your shirt...and this," Kara whispered.
"You have noting..nothing at all it be sorry for," Dick said putting his arms around her waist and hugging her.
"What about punching you?" Kara joked.
"..yeah that's something you can apologize for," Dick said as Kara giggled and leaned into him.
The two sat in a comfortable silent soft smiles on their faces, and eyes closed.
"Princess?" Dick asked suddenly.
"Why did you decide to tell me all this?"
"i had to tell someone," Kara responded lifting her head to meet the boys eyes.
"And you pick me?"
"Yes Richard Grayson. I chose you," Kara said.
"A feeling was strong. A feeling of me just wanting to be around you. I guess..under all that never..I trusted you," Kara said.
"Did you have any questions?" Dick asked.
Kara thought for a moment before nodding, "there was this boy. He had a red, yellow and green suit with a black cape and mask. Bruce called him Robin I think?" Kara said making Dick tense, "who is he?"
"Princess...I can't answer that.." Dick said looking away.
Kara frowned. She then lifted Dick's chin and tuned his head to face her. His expression was pained. His eyes deep in thought, but they gazed at her. She smiled softly and cupped the boys face.
Dick closed his eyes and leaned into the touch as he heard Kara's gentle voice food his ears, "please?"
Dick fluttered his eyes open and nodded "you trusted have to know that I wanted to tel ou the moment i saw you,"
"I trust you Dick," Kara said taking her hand away from his cheek and placing it on his shoulder.
"Then let me trust you," Dick said.
"I'm robin," he said.
"What?" Kara said furrowing her brows, "Your Nightwing,"
"Not always...but I was Robin, K-Princess," Dick said.
"Then how are you Nightwing?" Kara asked
"Before my parents died we worked at a circus. We were trapeze artists. Then one day..a horrible fire happen, because someone spilled hydrochloric acid, and lit it," Dick said. Tears started to fall down his face and Kara squeezed his shoulder, "my parents died. I was an orphan until 12. Bruce took me in. I vowed to find the people who killed my parents. So he trained me for years. I was his partner, Robin,"
"Guess who that person was? Joker. He did it. He killed them," Dick growled, and Kara hugged him tighter making him relax, "a few months ago I became Nightwing,"
"Dick..."Kara said
"I promised. Wouldn't let him hurt anyone else. And that night he almost got you. And he's gotten a bunch more. Ive been failing...the day you arrived I was pissed because we had Joker. WE caught him but he escaped," Dick said fighting the tears in his eyes.
"Hey Hey," Kara pulling he boy into an embrace, "let them out baby...don't hold them back,"
Dick cried into Kara's blonde hair but he called down quickly.
"Baby...hey,..Thank you," Kara said after the two met gazes.
"Thank you?" Dick repeated.
"You saved me," Kara said, "Twice..maybe even three times including this,"
Dick smiled and then a playful smirk shown on his face, "baby huh? Is that your new name for me?"
Kara blushed and she shook her head playfully, before laughing, "your a doofus Richard Grayson,"
"And your a Princess Kara Kent," Dick replied.
The two stared at each other before Dick looked at the clock.
"Damn it! We need to eat dinner and then sleep soon," he said.
"Come on!"
He pulled away and stood up only to have his arm grabbed by Kara.
"Can you do me a favor?" Kara asked.
"Anything," Dick shrugged
"Mind If I book a hotel for the night and eat out?" She asked.
"I dont fact...Ill join you!" Dick said.
Kara smiled and then gave Dick a kiss on the cheek making him bush and freeze ,
"thank you," she said
Dick left the room and told Alfred to inform Bruce and Clark. He then grabbed his suit and extra clothes in a bag, along with a credit card Bruce had given him. Dick then walked to his motorcycle and got on.
"Ready?" He asked as Kara came down with a bag and her glasses on.
"Mhmm.." Kara nodded and stepped onto the bike.
She wrapped her arms around him and he smiled. He then started up the bike and the two drove off.
Bruce and Clark watched from a window as the two drove off.
"Ya think they're friends?" Clark asked
"I'd say. But they're most likely like us," Bruce said
"I think they like each other," Alfred suggested.
Bruce and Clark shared a glance and then they both looked back at the window,"nahhh"
But a pause between the three made Clark open his mouth again, "but what If they do?"
"We let Dick and Kara be alone for plenty of times!" Bruce said a slight panic in his voice
"and we let them stay the night in a hotel...WERE HORRIBLE FAMILY MEMBER!!!" Clark whined.
Alfred sighed, "cmon. I think its time you two ate,"

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