Nighty Night

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Kara followed Dick out the restaurant he had taken her too. It was a simple Indian Place, but Kara had engulfed the food her mood increasing with every bite.
" i booked a good hotel, so we can stay there," Dick explained as he and Kara got on the motorcycle.
"Thank you," Kara said
"This," Kara smiled as Dick started to drive.
Dick smiled and muttered a welcome and quickly got to the hotel and parked his bike. He lead Kara into the building and showed the lady at the desk, the booking, and got two keycards.
"Cmon!" Dick said and lead Kara into the elevator.
"Do you think it'll be The Like.." Kara trailed off
"Like Metropolis?" Dick asked.
"No..Like home.." Kara said her voice soft.
The elevation doors opened and Dick stepped out grabbing Kara.
"Home?" Dick asked.
"Krypton..." Kara said, "the nights were peaceful, and when our red sun set the sky was the most beautiful thing ever..."
"I'm sure you were prettier," Dick thought and then mentally slapped himself, and spoke, "It sounds amazing,"
"It was," Kara said sadly. "I miss it..."
Dick looked at the girl and took her hand in his making her look at him. He gave the blonde a small smile, "it'll be okay,"
Kara smiled and then looked at the door at the end of the hallway, "that one?"
"Yup," Dick said and he used the keycard to open the door. He pulled Kara in and let go of her hand to lock the door.
Kara took off her glasses and then sped around the room and came back smiling.
"Thank you Dick," Kara said and hugged the boy m asking him blush.
"Anytime Princess," He said.
Kara smiled but then it dropped as a scream and fighting hit her ears.
"There's trouble," Kara said.
Dick nodded and went into one of the bedrooms and changed. He came back quickly to find Kara waiting for him in the same suit she had been wearing when fighting joker.
"What's about you other suit?" He asked as his eyes travel to her exposed waist.
"Okay..the other suit mask cover my waist, and have a slightly longer skirt..but its dirty!" Kara said as a small blush came on her face.
She saw Dick nod but is eyes traveled down her body and back up again making her stomach feel funny.
"Cmon!" Kara said.
"Where is it?" Dick asked as they both stood on the balcony.
"Down over there! In that alley," Kara said pointing god knows where.
"Fly me there," Dick said and Kara nodded.
She grabbed the boy and flew down to the alley a few streets away. She dropped Nightwing on the ground and then flew above as she spotted a brown furry bat human thing attacking a few people.
"ManBat!" Nightwing yelled.
ManBat turned around the humans ran away. Kara narrowed her eyes and charged punching ManBat towards Dick.
"Sssssuppper...gggiirrll" ManBat hissed out, "nnnnniiiiiggghttt..wwiinnngg,"
"What do you want ManBat?" Kara asked.
"Cccccatch!" ManBat said and flew up. Kara followed until the villain through down a bomb and it flashed a bright light blinding her.
Kara yelped and started falling.
"Supergirl!" Dick yelled and caught her.
"I'm fine..I just cant see that well," Kara said.
"You think you can get us back to the hotel?" Dick asked.
Kara nodded and grabbed Dick. She flew back to the hotel and then she walked into her bedroom, as Dick went in his and changed. He waited before Kara came out here eyes wide. She tripped and Dick caught her a chuckle escaping his mouth.
"Shut up," Kara muttered. She tried to stand but fell back into Dicks arms and he shook his head smiling.
"Ill just carry you," he said.
He picked Kara up bridal style and sat her on the couch, while he sat beside her. Kara closed her eyes and leaned on Dicks shoulder making him turn all funny inside.
"God..what are you doing to me Princess.." he muttered stroking her hair making the girl smile.
"I can hear a few streets away Dick..I heard that too.." Kara said surprising him.
"Heh..I forgot," Dick said.
"If it helps...your doing the same thing to me," Kara said.
"I'm glad...I occupy your mind Princess," Dick said and Kara opened her eyes. She looked at Dick and then beamed, "Your a doofus...and I cane SEE!" She cheered.
Dick smiled and he stared at the blonde with calm eyes, making Kara raise an eyebrow.
"What?" She asked.
Dick didn't answer but moving her hair out of her face.
"Richard?" Kara asked.
Soon Kara started laughing and squirming.
"What's going on?!" She laughed.
Dick started laughing but he continued to tickle her waist. "I'm tickling you!"
"S-Stop!" KAra laughed and she fell backward farther on the couch. Dick sat on his knees and towered over the girl still laughing and tickling until he lost is balance and fell one top of her. The two laughed before finally calming down and staring at each other.
Kara's smiled and Dick returned it by leaning down and smirking.
"Dick?" Kara asked blushing.
"Yes Princess?" Dick asked.
"What are you doing?" She asked.
"Thinking..." Dick said
"You Princess,"
Kara blushed before she felt a soft feeling on her shoulder. Kara let out a breath as Dick came back up to look at her his eyes lost.
"What are you doing to me.." He asked.
"I could ask you the same thing," Kara responded.
Dick reluctantly got off Kara and stood up. He took Kara's hand and lead her too her room.
"Goodnight princess," he said pulling her into his chest and wrapping his arms around her waist.
"I dont want it to be goodnight.." Kara whined placing her hands on his shoulders.
"Well it has too," Dick laughed.
Kara laughed and pecked the boys cheek.
"Night Dick," Kara smiled.
Dick kissed her forehead and Kara smiled and pulled away, and walked into her room. She closed the door and Dick stood there mentally beating himself up, before he finally walked to his room.
"Idiot! You kissed her shoulder! What's wrong with you?!" He thought.
Dick groaned and then flopped on his bed, and fell asleep.
Kara opened her eyes and yawned awake. She sat up and opened the curtains in her bedroom before blinking in surprise at the clock. IT read 6:00am.
Kara used her hearing and heard Dick's leveled breathing from his room, indicating him still asleep. Kara smile and then quickly took a shower, brushed her teeth, and wore the tight jeans, and black crop top. She brushed her hair and left it natural, and then walked into the kitchen.
"Hmm...I don't know how to cook Earth food.."Kara mumbled.
She then heard movement and she smiled as she heard Dick get into the bathroom. She then stopped listening her heart racing, and mind quiet.
She walked to the balcony and closed her eyes as the wind blew through her hair. Kara then opened her eyes and took out the necklace around her neck. It was a simply thread, with a crystal, the same color as her eyes.
Kara let go of it and started singing her favorite Earth Song.

Dick left his room and paused as a delightful sound hit his ears. He smiled knowing the soft voice singing. He walked to the balcony and listened as Kara sung the song perfectly. When she was done he clapped and the girl jumped and turned around.
"D-Dick!" She exclaimed, "How long were you there?"
"Long enough to here an angle singing, Princess," Dick praised making the girl blush.
He looked over her outfit and his heart beat raced he was sure Kara could hear it. He didn't know what happened but he walked towards Kara and snaked his arms around her exposed waist making the girl freeze.
"Dick?" She asked.
Dick ignored her and his eyes looked at her. Like actually looked at her. He let his vision be only on her. And that's all he could see. Kara Kent.
"Your beautiful, you know that?" He said making Kara blush, "your stunning, smart, strong, and a fricken badass,"
Kara's breath got caught in her throat as she looked into Dick's green eyes that were smiling, and wistful.
"And you have a beautiful have the most perfect voice in the world Princess," He added.
"Well...What About you?" Kara asked breaking the boy out of his trance.
"Explain?" He said.
"Your incredibly muscular, and have the most beautiful eyes, that a girl can get lost in. Your also kind, and a massive doofus but I Like That," Kara said smiling, "It makes me smile,"
The two stared at each other before leaning in. A knock on the door made the two stop, before any contact. Kara blushed and stood properly again.
Dick frowned and Kara's eyes turned a brighter blue and she paled.
"What's wrong?" Dick asked.
"I cant see through the door.." Kara said, "but I could last night,"
Dick let go of Kara and motioned her to stay put. He walked to the door and opened it to reveal a lady with red hair.
"Hello?" Dick asked.
"Room service..why..hello handsome.." She said, "names Ivy,"
Dick scowled before opening the door and letting the lady in. He then turned to the the balcony and paled.
"Lex!?!" He yelled and tried to run but Ivy grabbed him back.
Kara stood a green glowing gun pressed to her face as Lex Luthor held her in place.
"Move and he dies," Lex said.
"Poison Ivy!" Dick said and tried to struggle but vines grabbed him.
"I dont know who you are handsome, but you aren't stopping us from getting what we want," Ivy smirked.
"And that is?" Dick shouted.

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