I just watched Endgame and I've never been so sad and happy about a movie. Anyway major spoiler. So at the end of it at Tony Starks funeral you see a kid and the kid is Harley Keener from Iron Man 3. I was thinking of a few different stories or one shots that could happen with him.
Number 1
This is the most obvious one. Basically just show him at the funeral and his emotions and he could meet the team.
Number 2
Harley keeps in contact with Tony and he could go to Tony during the part when they're either figuring out time travel or when he gets back from space and somehow helps.
Number 3
Similar to number 2. They could or could not keep in contact but Harleys mother is one of the people who disappear and he goes to see Tony when he comes back. Tony and Pepper adopt him.

FanFiction Prompts/Challenges/Ideas
RandomIdeas for fanfiction with some crossovers that have been on my mind and it will drive me crazy if I don't write down anything about it.