1. For whatever reason Harry is transported to hell as a kid and raised by Angel Dust. The others can help to raise him too. He does go to hogwarts when he's older. Dumbledore bashing, molly Ron and Ginny Weasley bashing, and granger bashing. Harry is a slytherin or at least very sneaky and sly. Also super protective demons and horrible Dursley's.
Or something similar but instead Angel Dust is on normal earth with alastor and anyone else and only Harry can see them.2. Lily and James can't have children so they summon a demon to help and make a deal which is Alastor or Angel or both and they help them but the kid is biologically theirs. This could be like they physically get lily pregnant or like it's their own kid and they allow them to raise him until they die a year later and gets their souls.
3. Dumbledore decides they should summon demons or mysterious beings to help and they summon Alastor, Angel, Charlie, Vaggie and (optional) Nifty and Husk. Voldemort is told and shown the memory by Snape.
4. Voldemort summons some demons to attempt to control and it fails and blows up in his face epically. Alastor or Angel obviously.
So all of these have Dumbledore, weasley, and Hermione bashing. And if it wasn't obvious I really ship Alastor and Angel Dust so they're together.
I've been thinking about this crossover for awhile so if I keep thinking about it I think I will write something for it.

FanFiction Prompts/Challenges/Ideas
RandomIdeas for fanfiction with some crossovers that have been on my mind and it will drive me crazy if I don't write down anything about it.