Hikari's POV
- I'm about to hit the ground, there's no time to activate my flames to ease the landing. ... Fuck! This is gonna hurt - I closed my eyes and prepared myself mentally for the crush, but the pain never came.
When I opened my eyes Bakugo was holding me on top of him. Even though we were both on the ground, he've caught me. I looked at him in disbelief, he saved me...
"I had to be saved... Fuck. Why?! Why did he saved me!? Do I look that fucking fragile?! I didn't need him, I was fine. Why!? Why did he catch me!?"
This accident made me think about my parents. Ever since their murder I wasn't able to function as a normal human being - How was I allow to live if I left them to die? Why am I here and they are not? I'm weak, I didn't deserve to be saved - That thoughts followed me everywhere... always... It hurt so much, I didn't want to feel anything anymore, so I started to be more and more around people to distract myself. I started forcing smiles, laughs, I got so used to faking emotions I was a pro. I had to be strong if not for me, for them... or at least show like I was.
As I grew older the pain got worse so I drown myself in alcohol and drugs when I was alone. I then I started to became obsessed with the villain that murdered them, I didn't know why he was chasing me nor his name. I needed revenge, I needed him to pay. I knew it wasn't the best solution, but it helped and that's all I needed.
Now I was the head of a multimillion dolar company, an orphan and a mess.
"I'm so fucking weak! WHY DID YOU SAVE ME?! I would have been fine! Shit, fuck, WHY AM I ALWAYS BEING SAVE BY SOMEONE ELSE?!" I was having a full blown panic attack inside my mind from an insignificant accident.
The hot-headed asshole shouted something at me but I didn't hear it. I was too much in my head to listen to whatever he was saying. We stood silent for a while just staring at each other.
- "Oi!" - The ash blond jerk grabbed my by the shoulders with both of his hands and stared shaking me - "Snap out of it Freak! Do you fucking hear me!?"- He yelled at me.
It just hit me we were so close to each other I could feel his breathing. His body seemed to be really strong judging by the way he caught me and the hand that ended up lying in his bicep.
"I haven't noticed how deep his crimson eyes are, he is actually... a really good-looking guy. Wait, WHAT?!" That thought brought me completely back to reality. I brought my hand to my face because I sensed something was still off. "Am I fucking crying?! Fuck!!"
-"Shit..." - I muttered. I wiped away the tears in my face, got up and turned my back at him as fast I could. I wasn't able to face him. I was so fucking weak, and now he also knew it - "I had everything under control, asshole. I didn't need your help"- I said with annoyance in my voice.
-"Yeah, right! Aren't you gonna fucking thank me for saving your stupid ass?!"- Bakugo barked at me as he tried to stand up from the ground - "Fuck" - He said under his breath, and fell to the dirty floor again. I glanced at him with my body still facing the other way. He had a big bloody gash on a knee. He must've hurt himself with a stone or something when he run to save me.
I turned around and sat down beside him. He looked at me with suspicion and mistrust.
-"Stay still..."- I said calmly. This was going to hurt me more than him. I took a deep breath and put my hands on top of his wound facing upward and activated my quirk. My hand slowly began to be filled by a thin layer of water.
-"The fuck are you doing?!"
-"I said STAY STILL, SPARKY!"- I grunted. I was back to my disrespectful fucking self I was when Bakugo was around.
I turned around my palm to were his wound was and the water started dripping on it. I was starting to feel the pain of his wound in my body, shit it hurt! I squeezed my eyes shut. I finished closing his cut and deactivated my quirk.
-"What did you do?" - That dumbass growled looking at his now healed knee.
-"I don't owe you anything now"- I stood up and started walking away slightly limping. Fuck my knee hurts.
- "Tch..."- Bakugo complained as he got up -"Whatever"
I was surprised. I thought he was going to ask more about what just happened or my quirk but he didn't. I was still feeling uneasy I didn't want this red-eyed jerk spreading rumors about what happened today. I didn't care if he told someone about the healing properties of my quirk, but what would happened if he told anyone about the crying? They would all know I was weak, because crying is what weak people do. Strong people smile, like All Might. Also, what if someone asked why was I crying? I didn't want to deal with emotions I didn't know how to manage.
-"My quirk are freezing cold flames." - I stopped walking and took a deep breath - "They are formed by the humidity in the atmosphere. I don't create them inside my body I just freeze them and they come out as blue flames. I can control water in a way. After ... an accident"- I remembered my parents and stopped talking for a second. Then continued- "I realized that my body healed faster than others. So I started experimenting with my quirk and the developments in my parents studies were very helpful"- I said finally turning around to face him- "My body doesn't only freeze but heals too. After many tries, I was able to heal using the water in my body. The thing is that I feel the wound three times more painful event tho I don't have any visible marks, and I can only use it to heal someone else."
He just listened in silence and waited for me to finish talking. He didn't seem impressed at all, in fact, he looked uninterested in what I was saying. "You were the one who asked, pay attention to me prick!"
-" Why are you telling me this? "- He suspiciously said squinting at me with those crimson eyes.
-"Information for information"- I said calmly - "Don't tell anyone about.. you know..."- I looked down and lower my voice as I was ending the sentence.
-"Whatever"- Bakugo started walking in my direction -" You fell because of what I said"- He hissed and looked at the ground- "Also... as if anyone would believe that I saved your dumb ass"
-"No... not that... the other thing". I was almost whispering and avoiding eye contact at all cost.
Bakugo stopped walking right next to me and picked up the blue bag with all the balls we were supposed to be collecting.
-"Go home"- He mutter close to my ear and walked back to the tree -"I'll get the ball in the tree and give them back to Ereaserhead."
-"Wait, what?!"- I said almost yelling. I didn't mean to shout, but I was so nervous about the conversation that this took me by surprise- "Ereaserhead said we both have to do this, I'm not leaving dipshit"
-"FOR FUCKSAKE! YOUR KNEE HURTS, DON'T IT!?"- He barked at me -"Fuck off, I have this. OR IS IT THAT YOU DON'T THINK IM ABLE TO PICK SOME MOTHERFUCKING BALLS ?!"- He used his quirk to lift himself up and grabbed the only ball that was left.
Fuck! Why didn't I think about using my quirk to get that stupid ball?!
I stood there looking at him leave to the UA's building without knowing what to say. He was right, my knee did hurt as hell and it would take the pain a couple of hours to go away. Fuck, this asshole actually listened to me. But he still hasn't told me if he was going to keep the crying thing a secret or not.
-"I.... I...."
-"Today didn't happened. Now go, Frosty"- The ash blond growled at me, not turning around. He put the bag on his shoulders and went inside U.A.s building.
"Is he... being nice to me?! Considerate? Fuck. Do I have thank him? No way. How do I face him tomorrow?!?"

Let'em burn| Bakugo x OC
Fanfiction-This is not sweet innocent love story, I'm warning you. It will contain drugs, blood, a love triangle, toxic relationships - She is broken, yet an ash blond guy wants to fix her. Will he be able to save her or will she drag him to the same hell she...