Randy panic attack

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This was one requested by @elishamurphy
Hope this meets your standard xx

Andy's Pov
Drowning , the thoughts that were spiralling round my head made it difficult to breathe. This came on randomly , It happened in the kitchen. I was swift to make a move out of the kitchen and into my bedroom , slamming the door behind me. I slid down my wall pulling my knees up to my chest and rocking back and forth , trying to calm my breathing. Nothing worked. Worthless , rye doesn't love you , fat your eating disorder didn't work. Ugly , do you even try to make yourself look presentable? I let out a loud sob feeling myself sink lower and lower to the floor. Choking on my own tears I hear a soft knock on my bedroom door and all I can do is cry.

Ryes Pov;
I was sitting in the kitchen vlogging jack attempting to do flips on the mini trampoline. Brook and Mikey were out. It was only me jack and Andy in the house. Andy was sitting on the sofa doing something on his phone.
"Hey fovvs , could u help me sort out the lighting please?" no reply
"Andy?" I turn around noticing that Andy is no longer there.
"Hang on jack let me go get Andy" jack just shrugs in reply and sits down playing on his phone. I go up the stairs and lightly knock on Andy's door not wanting to disturb him too much. When I don't hear a reply I begin to open the door and I hear a loud cry. I push the door open and see Andy over in the corner , shaking , sobbing , wheezing.
"Oh andy babe come here" I make my way over to Andy " n-no don't t-touch me" Andy's voice wobbles in fear. "Okay I won't" Andy attempts to slow down his breathing but it's obvious nothings working. Sitting over here watching him broke my heart , there was nothing I could do until he allowed me to go over to him. I could tell he was getting frustrated and he let out a loud cry slamming his fists to the floor. That was it. I made my way over to him scooping him into my lap , he tried to fight me off of him but soon relax in my arms. Still breathing heavily.
" Andy squeeze my hand if you can hear me" he very lightly squeezes. " okay give me your hand , can u feel my heartbeat!" He nods , "copy the rhythm" it takes him awhile , I can tell he's really struggling but eventually he gets the hang of it once I start playing with his hair. He collapses into my arms only lightly crying now. "Andy what's wrong babe?"

Andy's Pov:
"Andy what's wrong babe?" Rye asks gently
"I don't know , I was fine one minute then randomly I just felt really alone and then the thoughts came back about me being worthless and fat and ugly and I just feel like you don't love me and I'm a burden on the band" I cry
" fovvs , I do love you okay? Your one of the best things that has happened to me. When you feel like this please come see me , so we can stop this from happening. The boys love you aswell and in no way are you a burden , your our little musician" ryes chuckles softly. I just snuggle into his chest in response feeling myself nod off slightly. " go to sleep andy , I'll be here when you wake up" i fall into a black abyss.

Ryes Pov:
Andy snuggled into my chest and soon fell asleep. I needed to finish of the vlog otherwise we'd have no footage. So I carefully picked Andy up taking him down into the kitchen with me and place him on the sofa and cover him with a few blankets. "Is he alright?" Jack asked "yeh he's fine , let's get onto filming then" just before I leave I kiss Andy on the cheek
" I love you"

Sorry I'm away all the time I absolutely suck at writing. I was gonna upload this yesterday but tour tickets were stressing me out and I completely forgot about it😂.
Who's going on tour? If so what date and what ticket ? I got Edinburgh vip! Hopefully see some of you there 💜

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