Chapter 3- Family dinner

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Bakugou's POV

Around dinner time [Name]'s parents came to go eat with us. I didn't complain solely because it made [Name] happy.  Now one side of the table is the Katsuki side and the other was the [Last Name]. I didn't realize on how long it was since I saw them. Her parents look way older than I remember, her little sister isn't a tiny baby anymore and her twin looks like he's matured, but that's most likely just his looks... I already have a headache thinking what he's planning to do.

  After dinner [Name], Makoto and I were in my backyard as the sun was setting. "This takes me back." Her brother said. I just nodded in agreement as [Name] just sat there stiffly. Her beautiful lips had a tiny pout, her eyes staring at the green grass, it seemed as though she was trapped in her own thoughts. "Hey, Brat." I said darting my red orbs at her, she tilted her head up a little bit to respond. "Yeah?" "Let's fight." I say plainly. That got her full attention on me and her frightened expression was adorable.

   "Fight? Why?" She asked with a quiver in her voice. "Yes, because I want to see how strong you've become." She shook her head. "Can't you wait until Monday, the day where we won't get in trouble?" I rolled my eyes. "No one will know if we don't make too much noise and if someone doesn't tell anyone." I say darting my eyes at Makoto. He rose his hands up. "I won't say a word." I then put my attention back into [Name]. "So?"

   She hesitated before answering. "...fine..." I gave her a smirk before heading into the middle of the yard, with explosions already forming from my fists. She got up slowly, her left hand on her right elbow as she slowly made her way there, I'm disappointed that she's not excited about this. "On the count of three." I said plainly.

     The blonde haired dumbass  started to count slowly. Right at the count of three, I felt this rush of adrenaline and I basically fly in the air to attack to my old friend. Then I got blinded by this light, so closed my eyes and let my guard down only a little bit.

    Once I opened my eyes, I was in a festival like area, the only thing off is that it's empty. Then I saw fireworks happen. 'Must be excitement...' I thought to myself distracted in observing the area, only getting out of my thoughts once I felt someone kick my head. Then I felt my rush of adrenaline come back. I'm not sure why, but with her when it comes to fighting, it feels like I'm not trying to prove a point, or be the best...being with her, makes me feel like a kid again, I don't want this feeling to leave me..

    While fighting I was able to hear yelling, but it seemed more like background noise. And the best part is, [Name] even looks like she's enjoying herself, giggling with her soft voice... Then  it went away, to me felt like as soon as it came and the barrier which she created turned into sparkly dust, as my mother's voice became clearer and clearer...

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